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[f/n] [l/n] will be replacing Rikido Sato < 3 sorry sato fans

[f/n] [l/n] will be replacing Rikido Sato < 3 sorry sato fans

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trauma - chapter ten

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It's been a few weeks since [y/n]'s accident, and neither he nor Aizawa had brought it up since then. The pro-hero didn't question why his quirk didn't work, and strangely enough, he had faith that the young boy wouldn't do any harm. 

Though, he did advise the male to train his quirks so that a problem like that wouldn't occur again.

[y/n] instantly agreed, but another resolution formed in his mind.

Don't use chakra unless necessary. 

For while it may seem like he was placing a ban on his abilities, he had to get a grasp on his quirks first. Yet, this only resulted in him training for longer periods of time as he was training both his chakra control and quirks.

He got the hang of his quirks easily enough as they were easier to control and master compared to jutsus and chakra control. 

And it wasn't like anyone here could actually injure him.

And so on the first day of U.A. High, [y/n] woke up at the crack of dawn, his body still acting as a personal alarm clock as he could never sleep for more than three hours every day. The moonlight still trickled into his room, yet soon it would turn into a warm glow.

He got off the bed instantly, not wanting to dwell any longer in the place where he was more susceptible to nightmares. Grabbing a new set of clothes from his closet that his guardian so graciously expanded, he closed the bedroom door behind him as he jogged lightly down the stairs.

"Morning run?"

The voice came from the kitchen, [y/n] stopping in his tracks as a sleeping bag emerged from the doors. Aizawa himself looked like he was the one in need of more sleep, yet a sigh escaped him as he turned around.

"Come here, it's not good to run on an empty stomach."

[y/n] followed without question.


The ex-sensei ran through the streets of Tokyo, Japan. Running alongside the beach and spotting a familiar green-haired male.

'Izuku Midoriya...'

As his name rang through his mind, [e/c] eyes traveled to the skinny frail blond male watching him. He took a mental note of the guy before advertising his eyes.

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