Chapter 31: What If

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Chapter 31: What If


Since Gideon refuse to take a shower with me so I just drop the subject. Maybe next time he will agree.

I mean what is wrong in showering together? We can play water balloon fights! We can even invite the MIB it will be so much fun!

Meh.. It's his loss.

I'll organize it later this week on my day off.

We arrive at his "house". I got suddenly excited so before the car stops and in Gideon's horror I open the door and jumps out of the car.

"LOVE!" The car screeches to a stop and  Gideon scrambled out off the car. He runs in front of me and grab my shoulders and smash my face to his chest.

"What the heck EllA!" Wow he uses my name that means he is angry/frustrated/furious or combination of these three! Yikes!
"I told you to be careful and now you just decided to jump out of a moving car for no reason?!"

I tried defending myself but it is hard because my face was squish to his chest.

I mean Ella what defense are you talking about? Normal people just don't jump in a moving car. Idiot.

I push away from Gideon so I can breath properly. I look at his face and aw...he looks so cute when he is angry!

I mean I am still scared as heck but I can't ignore the fact that he is very cute.
Now time to evade his wrath!




"Sorry!" Then I dash inside the house. I run up to the grand staircase went to the left then I remember it is the right wing so I twist on my right. I open his room by scanning my thumb and close it firmly.

Where to go? Where to hide? Aha!

After a long deliberation with myself I decided to hide in the most covered place I could find.

Sheez it is so dark in here. It is a good thing this place is clean.


Gideon is here!! I can't even hear his footsteps. Am I going deaf? I hopefully not. I am too young for that.

"Where are you?"

Then I heard the door shut. Hihihi. He will not find me. I can even stay here for a long time!

A few minutes later

I am sleepy already. I am hungry also.
I'll just close my eyes for a minute.

I suddenly woke up when I heard a clacking sound.

My cover suddenly was lift up and I see the silhouette of Gideon slowly became visible.

I know he will be irritated again so I pretend to sleep.

I was lifted by Gideon that I can confirm. I am already familiar with his warmth and touch.

Then I heard again the clacking noise then silence.

"I know you are not asleep Love."


I open my right eye to peek at him and sure enough he has his cold expression pasted on his beautiful face.

I open fully my eyes and grin at him.

"I am good in Hide and seek right? I bet you did not find me for hours! Sucks to be you!" Then I hit his shoulders. Excited at the prospect that I know a game that I excell at.

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