Chapter 54: looney toons

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Chapter 54: looney toons



I slowly get up from the bed. I am very sore not just my vajayjay but my whole body.

I am not informed that making love requires you to move all your hidden muscles on your body.

Gideon found me getting up from the bed like a 90 year old grandma with arthritis.

"Love are you okay?"

I glare at him. What kind of question is that?

"Sorry." He smiled sheepishly.

He run to my side and lifts me up and carry me inside the bathroom. He sat me on the counter while he eagerly prepare my bath.

"What bath bombs you want love?"
He lifted 3 different kind of so called bathbombs.

He hands it to me to inspect and they all smell wonderful. I tempted to eat them.

What the heck you only live once so I lick one of them.

"Love!" Gideon shouted and immediately grab the 3 bath bombs on my hand.

He cup my face and said sternly "Open your mouth and let me see."

"Gideon I did not even taste it properly. It is all in my lips."

He grumbles unintelligently and snag a wash cloth and wipe my face.

"Love we don't eat soap in this household Understood?"

I shrugged my shoulders. Can you blame me? They really look appetizing.

He chose the red one and drop it on the tub. In an instant the room smells like strawberry.

He gently remove my underwear while repeatedly kisses my neck and collar bone.

He lifts and placed me in the tub.
The water look like strawberry juice. I wonder if-

"Don't drink the water love."
I look at Gideon wide eyed and sputtered
" No I am not!"

He look at me sternly and said "I know what your thinking and the answer is NO."

Like last night he bathe me and literally all crevices in my body was cleaned by him.

He wrap my body in one of his fluffy towel and another was wrapped to my hair.

To my surprise Gideon dressed me. This is a whole new level of intimacy.

"If I know that dressing you up love is this fun I should have done it a long time ago."

He is extra caring. I mean he is very attentive before but now it's like if I let him he will do everything for me.

He dries my hair and style it in a messy bun.

We went down to eat breakfast. Every step I make I can feel the soreness between my legs.

"What breakfast do you want love?" He ask.

"Chocolate pancake with chocolate chips and orange juice."

"Coming right up!"

He then proceeds to cook what I've requested.

He stacks 6 chocolate pancake and pour a freshly squeezed orange juice in a glass.

He sat beside me and cut up my pancakes into small bites.
He scoop up a portion of the pancake and feed it to me.

After we ate breakfast we travel to Greece.
In Greece we stayed on one of his villa again. How many villa does this man have?
We walk to Satornini and I indulge on buying handmade accessories by the locals.

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