Chapter 40: Birthday

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Chapter 40: Birthday


It's Ella's Birthday today and she doesn't have any idea.

My Ella is an oblivious person. She will not know anything unless you say it directly to her. So adorable.

I want to surprise her with a party with numerous guest, extravagant gifts but I know she wants more simple celebration. So on that note I organize a dinner with one of the most exclusive restaurants and as for her gifts yes in plural form she will have to wait.

To start her special day I woke up at 6am to prepare personally her food. I kissed her forehead first and slowly disentangle myself from her grasp. Ella is a heavy sleeper. A bomb may detonate beside her and she will sleep through it.

The staffs were both shock and terrified when they saw me waltz inside the kitchen. One of the chef was hovering at my back repeatedly asking if he can help me on whatever I am cooking which I coldly decline. This is for my angel so I will do it by myself.

I know that rice is available 24/7 in this damn house because my Ella prefers  rice instead of bread , mash or pasta so I made sure to buy a rice cooker and a sack of newly milled rice so my Love can have it anytime she wants.

Ella is a big eater and I love it. So I scoop 4 cups of rice and made an egg fried rice. She doesn't want bacon at all instead I fried some hotdogs, omelette with diced veggies, corned beef and of course her favorite chicken nuggets. Hell she can finish a whole box of nuggets in one sitting so I let the staff stock at least 3 box every week. I don't want to run out.

I can cook but I chose not to. I am very busy and cooking will take too much time. Giacomo which is the head chef always write a weekly menu which I approve in advance. Before Ella I don't really care what they prepare but when my love comes to my life I realize that I want her to eat all the food that she wants. I also want to introduce various kinds of food to her.

Everytime she see food her eyes lights up immediately even if it is just a damn scrambled egg. She will thank the staff profusely as if they climb mountains just to harvest that egg. All the staff loves her. I know what is happenning inside my estate. Well except that one time when Ella got angry at me and the whole staff backs her up. Whenever I ask them where she was with shaky voice they lie in front of my face and told me they did not see her at all. Protective assholes. As If I am gonna hurt my angel but at the same time I happy that they will protect her if I am not around.

I place all the food that I prepare on the cart covered with silver dome to maintain the heat. I made sure that there is also a pitcher of iced tea, orange juice and chocolate drink. Only the best for my love.

I quietly entered our room and saw Ella still bundled up in our bed but now she is hugging my pillow.
Every morning I always see her hugging my pillow which make my heart beats faster. In my twisted mind I always think that she misses me that is why she is always doing that.

I get on the bed and kissed her to wake her up. After multiple kisses she woke up giggling because my kisses tickles her. Again. Adorable.

"Sit up love I brought your breakfast."
Her eyes light up immediately.

Ella and her food. They are inseperable.

I set up the table on my bed and laid out all the food in front of her.

She looks on every food that is in front of her with a delighted smile on her face.

I place a plate in front of her and served her the food in small portions. She may not know it but she has a habit of separating her food. She doesn't want her food getting mixed up.

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