Chapter 35: Reunion

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Chapter 35: Reunion


I got back from the warehouse a few minutes before 5am. I changed out of my suit and wear my sweatpants and shirt.

I went back to my room and and walk towards the bed. The brightness of the moon was illuminating her face. Her limbs are tangled on the sheets. I can see that she is restless. She'll be tired when she wake up later.

I climb on the bed and place her head on my chest and cuddle with her. I admire the woman I love. Yes love. For a long time. I suspected even from the start I love this girl.

How pathetic am I that I fell for Ella just by observing her and without any contact at all.

She is clumsy, dork, adorable, innocent, naive, she never judges other people but she has a low self confidence.

I will not change anything. She is perfect. I will help her to be the best version of herself.

That is love isn't it?


I woke up feeling tired and groggy. Gideon was not beside me I wonder where he went. I tried to find my glasses on the side table but I suddenly remember the event last night.

"It is in the past Ella. Forget about it. Move on." I chanted to myself repeatedly.

Without my glasses I can not see properly. I just remain lying on the bed. I did not even attempt to stand up because I know it will just get me more in trouble if I hurt myself navigating inside this humongous house. I can imagine now what Gideon will say if I injure myself again.

So in the end Gideon found me lying on the bed just staring at the blurred ceiling.

"Goodmorning Love."
I look at the doorway because I know his voice is coming from that area but it is empty.

"The other side love."

I look at my right and saw him kneeling beside the bed.

I realize it is not only my eye sight is bad apparently my hearing as well.

"You're blurry Gideon."

I can't see his expression clearly so I have no clue on what he is thinking.

"I'm sorry to hear that love. Come on. I'll help you get ready then we will go to the opthalmologist okay?" He ask. I nodded.

He helps me climb out of the bed and guides me to the bathroom. We took a shower together. Don't get any ideas we have our underwear on. I am wearing mine but him? I hope so. Gideon can be naked and I will ever know that's for sure.

He helps me dress myself and he even chose my outfit. I know that he is enjoying this.
Gideon is feeding me our breakfast. I can see it properly but he insisted to do it.

"You like me being dependent on you." I observe.

"Yes so much that I am thinking not getting you a new glasses." He replied seriously.

I hit his arm and said. "Your such a dork!"

"That's the first time someone use that word to describe." I know for a fact  other people will not attempt to call him any degrading names. If someone tried well all I can just say Goodluck and godbless.

We went out and one of his shiny cars is outside. He guides me inside the car and buckles my seatbelt. Surprisingly he decided that he will drive.

"You will drive? Why?" I ask.

"Just because." He replied. Huh? Whatever.

He drove flawlessly. The car did not even jerk. There are drivers that when they drive it is like you are riding a horse and not a car from all the jarring that you are feeling from the whole ride.

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