Chapter 53: M.I.B

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Chapter 53: M.I.B



Gideon woke me up with kisses at 2 in the afternoon. It still early for my taste but at least it is not 8 in the morning like he initially planned.

To Gideon's dismay I only ate a piece of bagel and a glass of milk. In my defense I know that we will eat the whole day because Gideon is determined that I eat almost all the famous food that Italy can offer so a bagel and milk will do.

I swear Gideon knows me from head to toe. He packed the clothes that I prefer. Now I wear my black stretchable levis pants and I partnered it with my long sleeves white shirt and red converse.

When I saw what is Gideon is wearing I understood why he insist that he packs my clothes. We are wearing a couples outfits. He is wearing the same black pants with red chucks and and a white shirt. Black aviators is on top of his head.

It is a 30 minutes ride from Gideon's villa to pompeii. Oh god I hope I survive this trip.

One of Gideon's staff who maintains the villa comes with us as a tour guide.

The whole freaking ride Gideon just non stop giving me butterfly kisses on my neck,shoulder, jaw and face. I did not stop him. Why would I stop him? I am enjoying it.

His kisses makes me feel like I need some kind of release that I can't figure out what. If you know please tell me.

We reach the area where Pompeii is located and immediately Gideon told me to stand properly so he can take a picture of me. So I awkwardly stand and do my signature peace sign pose.

I told the MIB that they are in charge to take our pictures which they agreed.

I carefully explore the whole place.
As the tour guide was explaining on the history of this place Gideon murmured in my ear "It is a miracle that you are paying attention to him for more than 5 minutes love. Should I be jealous?"

I nudge him with my elbow. "I am trying to learn history Gideon."

While we walk slowly  one place capture the interest of Gideon "oh look Ella they died while making love."

"What are you talking about?" I went to where he is standing and sure enough there are two skeletons who are positioned on top of each other.

"How do you know? Maybe the other one roll on top accidentally."

"That is a missionary position love. It is obvious." Gideon said.

I stare at the skeletons and can't figure out what mission they are trying to do.

"You mean they are monks Gideon?" I ask him still confuse.

Gideon stare at me like I am a lost cost.
He shakes his head and proceeds to walk to the next site.

Overall I enjoyed touring this city. I never expected that the city that I am reading only in books is now in front of my eyes.

Gideon decided that for now we will visit Rome, Venice and Milan. He promised that the next time we comeback we will stay here for 1 week to explore other places like lake como, Tuscany and Pisa.

The whole trip in Italy I observe that Gideon is always touching me he can be hugging me or while eating his hands are on my knees or legs and he is always holding my hands which is not new but it seems odd.

In five years of our relationship Gideon did not ask me for anything. He did not force me to do things that I am not comfortable with.

I am not that Naive. Since College can change your perspective but I am not that also confident to start something with Gideon that I can't finish.

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