Chapter 46: $100

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Chapter 46: $100

Short update sorry😅


I woke up with Ella's body completely on top of mine. I love it. I know other men that gets irritated if their partner is clingy but me? No. I am the one who is always clingy. I am not ashamed to admit that. I hug Ella a little bit tighter to prolong this moment even just for a second. I am tempted to just stay at home and lie in bed with Ella doing nothing but I can't since I have responsibilities I can't neglect and my Ella will miss her friends.

It pains me to remove her from my body but I need to get up now to start my day. I went to my gym to do my daily work out. I need to maintain my physique. I want other people to see that my Ella chose the right person. If I let myself Go she might find another and I don't want that to happen. I also want to intimidate those fucker who are eyeing her everytime we go out.
Thank God that she is always oblivious in everything.

Ella doesn't notice but whenever she's near me she always grasp my arms and pinch it like a stressball and when she's sitting on my lap her hands always stroke my back and abdomen. It puts me in a hard literally and figuratively position but hey if it makes her happy and comforted by doing that who am I to stop her.

I remember the day she decided to remove a loose thread on my pants. One of the hardest thing I've ever experience. I am ashamed to say I became hard after.

I don't think she is aware of what is happening and she doesn't think about the consequence. Her mind is just focus in removing that damn thread on my pants.

I told Alfred to recheck all my suits all 50 of them if there is any loose thread that can distract Ella. I don't want to repeat that scene again. It is pleasurably painful and I literally moan in front of my PA for Godsakes!

As part of our routine after I take a shower and dress myself. I went back to our room and repeatedly kissed Ella until she woke up. Her hair's a bird's nest, dried drool on her lips, bloated face. Is that a beginning pimple on her cheek? She's so beautiful.

She grumbly walk to the bathroom.
"If weekdays has a face I already let the MIB punch it in the face repeatedly."

My Ella was always violent in the morning. So adorable.

As I was arranging our bed I heard a loud "thunk" followed by an "ow".

I bet she hit her head on the shower glass. Again.
I hope there is no bruise because I  think we finish all the cream for that. I need to restock or just remove all the damn doors in this house so she will not bang her head every fucking day. Nonetheless I ask one of the staff to bring an ice bag just in case.

After 10 min I went to her walk in closet and saw her sitting patiently at her vanity.

There is a noticable redness on her forehead. Just as I suspected. Good thing I grab the ice pack on my way and gave it to her. She sheepishly receive the ice pack and placed it on her forehead.

I just wish that there is a day that she is not injured. Well that is included with Ella's charm. She always needs someone to take care of her 24/7 which I happily provide.

This is one of the highlights of my day. Drying and styling her hair.
If you ask me three years ago if I am willing to watch tutorial in youtube in hairstyling I'd say Fuck off and don't waste my time.

"What style do you want love?"
I ask as I am setting up the hair dryer.

"Fishtail braid please."

I just watched that 2 days ago. Thank God.

"One fishtail braid coming up!"

As I was drying and styling her hair I wish I have a daughter who is just like Ella. It would be fun if I am styling her hair also matching with her mother.

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