Chapter 48: Assignment

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Chapter 48: Assignment

This is the continuation of the last chapter. There will be  numerous time skip and flashbacks on the following chapters.




He wants to propose? Of what?

Like powerpoint presentation?

Gideon is still looking at me waiting for my answer.

I voiced out my question.
"Proposal of what?"
Gideon chuckles.

"Proposal of marriage love."

Ah! I get it!

"You're willing to marry me Gideon?"
I ask. Why am I getting nervous?

"Yes love."

"I mean really really sure?"


"Not jokey jokey?" I ask again just to make sure he'll not back out on his words.

"Of course not love!"

I jump up from our bed and do a victory dance for the second time of the day.

"We-are-getting-married" I sang repeatedly.

I do the doggie dance and that ney ney dance.

"What the hell?!" Gideon exclaimed. He stood up and grab my arm.

I stop dancing and look at Gideon.

"What?! You don't like my victory dance?" What move should I try next?

"No! Not that! Why are you celebrating? I did not even propose yet."

"But I did and you said yes!" So I continued my victory dance. I tried doing belly dancing but my tummy just inflate and deflate. Fail. Moving on!

"I am so confused love." Gideon slumped on the bed. Defeated.

"So when are we going to buy the rings?"I ask excitedly on his slump form.


We are not engaged yet.

I misunderstood.

I thought I can propose but Gideon vehemently insist that HE will be the one to do It and I should not steal his thunder.

One question okay make it two. How can you steal someones thunder? Annnddd It's just a sound right? how can I steal a sound?

Thinking so much always cause me a headache. That's why I always prevent doing that. Highly recommended. It is life changing.

In less than a week the first semester will start. I am excited but also sad since I needed to resign because according to Gideon he wants me to focus on studying.

What gave him an impression that I can focus on ANYTHING?
My attention span is the same length as Gideon's patience which is nonexistent.

I told him I can work and study at the same time but he can not be swayed even after I threatened him that no more kisses.

As I was eating my snack I said
"Gideon can you please adjust my work hours? My classes are until 2pm so maybe after my class I can go straight here and do my pending work."

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