Chapter 9: Meal

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Chapter 9: Meal

At exactly 10 min on the dot someone called on Mr. CEO's phone.

The conversation goes like this on his side.



Then he drop the call.Thats it.

"Our food is here." He told me.

He press something on his phone and the door automatically opens.

A man in a suit brings 2 bags. He placed it on the coffee table.

"Sir." He bows and go out of the room. Then the door closes again.

Mr. Ceo remove the containers from the bag.
And arrange it neatly on the table. There is a bowl that contains a rice with fried pork or chicken on top of it.

On one rectangular container there is a small rectangular size rice with something on top. It is as big as a matchbox.

Then there is also a rice shaped like a circle with something in between. There is like a dark green like belt that hold this food together. There is also a red juice.

On the last bag he brings out a paper bag that brought stars in my eyes. A bag from McDonalds and he brings out a large fries, 12pcs Nuggets and a large coke.

He hands me a spoon and fork .

"Eat now."

I am overwhelmed because there is so many food in front me.

"Wha is that Mr. Ceo?" I ask him

His face scrunch up in distaste? I have no clue why .

"Mr. CEO? Thats too formal and we are alone. You can call me James."

This time I am the one who scrunch my face.

"James? Thats too informal! Mr. CEO. You are my boss you know."

"That is right I am your boss so You should follow my instruction if you are alone with me call me by my name not Mr. CEO. Okay?"

"Fine. If you don't mind asking what is your full name?"

"You work here for almost 10mos and you never know my full name?"

"Hey!" I unconsciously slaps his arm.

"In my defense no one calls you in the office by your full name. How should I know?"

Then I remember I am still holding his arm after I slap him. I froze. Should I remove it? But his arms are so firm.

I look at his face it seems like he doesn't mind because he is saying something but I don't pay any attention.

"You should know my full name specially my last name because it will be your last name too in the near future."

I am still not paying attention to what he is saying. I am just looking at his face.

I got startled becuse he wave his hand in front of my face to get my attention and I accidentally removed my hand on his arm.


"Are you listening to me?"


He let out a big sigh "good"

"What am I asking again?....
Oh your real name."

"It's james Arthur Gideon Rosen-Hower"

"You're kidding right? That is not an address right? It is really your name? "

"Why would I lie about my name?"

"Forget it. What are the names of the food you ordered because I am not familiar with them"

He told me that these are japanese food and
Sashimi, sushi and maki is his favorite and I should eat it in one bite. Tonkatsu is basically like a breaded pork on top of a seasoned rice with a sweet sauce on top of it.

I try the sashimi first and it taste like fish. It is somewhat like juicy and soft at the same time.

And Mr. Ceo confirmed that it is really a fish. In fact a Tuna. This is the first time I ate fish.

I tried to grab another piece when our hands bumped accidentally. I look at him to apologize but I got sidetracked again by his eyes.

Unconsiously I lean in to him a little to see if his blue grey eyes is really real or just contact lens.

"So enchanting." Still mesmerized by his eyes.

"If I don't know you. In this case I am qualified to call the cops because you are being weird right now but who am I to complain? It is not like I am not used to this kind of treatment at this point of my life."

"What are you saying?"

"I am saying Miss. Hernandez you are currently in my personal space but I don't mind. Continue what you are doing. Your reaction after you realize what you are doing is epic. I can guarantee you myself."

How can his eyes became like this? Maybe he has his father's eyes or combination of his parent's eyes.
Mr. Ceo is still talking but I forgot what he is saying. Forget about my hunger. My interest now is the mystery on how he got those eye colors.

I want to lean more to look at it better but I realize I am literally nose to nose to him.
(°><°)•<<< that close!!!

From the shock of how close we are I jump away from him. I even fall down from the couch because of my knee jerk reaction.
I cover my face from embarassment.
I am sure my face is as red as a tomato right now.

How can I be an airhead who got easily distracted?!
I am literally harassing him!

His laugh brings me back to reality. You'll never believe me what am I seeing. He is laughing so hard he is holding his tummy. He even has tears in his eyes from laughing so much. It is the first time I saw him act like this because he is so cold and temperamental in front of us in the office.

It brings a smile to my face because I made him laugh. In dispense of my dignity that is. But hey! I made my crush laugh! That is an achievement right??

"Gideon stop laughing!"

He suddenly stops laughing and looks at me with a gaze that I can not decipher.


"Sorry it just slips out." I covered my face again in shame.

"Why Gideon?"

"Because...I like the sound of the name Gideon"

Gideon nodded and just motions for me to continue eating.

He doesn't react on the name that I want to call him so maybe it is fine to call him Gideon.

He grab my arm to help me get up from my position on the floor.

I sit again on the couch and fix my shirt and pants.

"Thank you for the food. Sir. I mean Gideon. It is my first time to eat this kind of food. I'll treasure this moment"

"You're welcome and you don't need too because this is not the last time that we will share a meal. That is my promise to you."

I can not for the life if me can restrain the smile that is growing on my face.

I ate a whole nuggets just to somewhat hide that I am smiling.

Lord almighty. I just learned last night that I have a crush on him and Now I am sitting beside him in his office sharing a meal with him.

I embarass myself in front of him countless of times in a span of 30min but he didn't say a thing.

I consider myself lucky because I have a moment like this with him. I just wish if another treasured moment comes along. I will not embarass myself anymore.

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