Chapter 5: Curious

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Chapter 5: Curious


Being a CEO is not easy. Magazines may portray us having an easy life. Jetsetting in private islands, having party in yatchs or canoodling with supermodels.

What a bullshit.

If that is true why am I here in my office at 12 midnight typing a presentation and reviewing all the financial reports that is passed today.
Why I am hoping that nobody fucked up their work today?
I am firing staffs left and right it became a habit everyday.

I glance on the papers stacked on the other side of my table. I get one stack and read the post it note that is attached to it. I can feel my lips forming a smile.

It is a blue post it note and there is a written message

"To. Mr. CEO's office

Fighting! Heard you closed a multi-million dollar deal again! Keep it up!😁"

Every document that is on my table have different post it notes. I know the HR hired another employee to manage the mail room but I personally never seen the newbie and heck I didn't even see her resume.

The first time I saw that there is a post it note attached to each documents I paid it no mind but one day I accidentally read the note. I can still remember the words written on that specific note it is something like

"Dear Mr. CEO.
Don't stress yourself over work. Have a break. Take care of your health.😁"

After I read that note I got hooked. I went to the storage room and retrieved all the post it notes that is addressed to my office. I collect them like an addict. I bought a box that contains all the post it notes and put it inside of my safe.

I swivel my chair to look at New York's midnight skyline. It has been 6 months and I am curious what is the face and character of the person behind every post its. I stop myself every single time from looking at her resume or watching the surveilance camera because that is creepy as hell.

Not all billionaires stalks their person of interest. Okay. Investigate is the proper word to use not stalking.

Damn a single post it got me obsessed with a girl and I don't even have any idea what she looks like!

I formulate a plan wherein I will meet her without someone getting suspicious of my motive.

I smirk as an idea enters my mind.
It seems like I will be having a surprise inspection tomorrow. I can imagine now the trembling forms of my employees tomorrow when they see me. The image forming in my head makes me chuckle.

I'll specially check the mail room.

"What did I tell you about the format of the reports? Times New roman size 12 only. What is hard about that? Why all of you are using different fonts? This is not fucking highschool. If I ever see another report with another font you will all be fired."

The manager of that department nod vigorously as if his head will be detached any second.

A simple rule they can not even follow.

I inspected every floor. Even the fucking storage room. You'll never know what are the staff is doing there. My executives and some staffs are following me. I can feel them cringing when I raise my voice. I am a calm person but there are days that I am not in a mood to tolerate their excuses.

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