Chapter 19: Microwave

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Why is he here? Can't I buy my groceries peacefully. Damn that Mr. Shades. He snitch on me.

I walk on to the next aisle while pleading my case to Gideon again.
"There is nothing wrong in what I am doing Sir." Defending my action.

"This is a normal task for a normal person. I can not see any reason why I can not do this."
It seems that every word that comes out from my mouth makes Gideon more furious. I Can see it in his eyes.

"Yes. Getting grocery is a menial task but not every person here in this place had an emergency surgery 7 days ago. I bet all my money that you are in pain just by walking here from your apartment."

I did not deny his accusation because I am really in pain right now. so I just change the topic to distract him.

"Why are you here?" I ask him while examining all the canned mushroom on the shelves.

"Don't waste your time here. As far as I remember you are running a multi-million dollar company. I am gonna be fine."

"Technically it is a billion-dollar company and No I am not needed there as of this moment. I know my staff are all capable of handling some of our transactions without me guiding them. And for Godsakes will you give me that basket that you are holding? Before you rip your stitches? Because carrying heavy stuff are not allowed doctors order."

You know what? As he rant his long ass sentences his face is still expressionless. Is he even human? To prevent him from killing me which I know he really wants to do. I give my basket. Just to shut him up.

I walk again to the next aisle and grab some powdered orange juice and an Iced tea. I Love juices. I look at Gideon which is still following me and ask him what flavor of juice does he want. He just stares at me as if I ask him some scandalous question.

It seems like Gideon sense that I will not move to the next aisle until he answers my question so he grudgingly replied "Mango."

I grab one jar of Mango flavored Juice and continued my shopping.

As I reach the frozen goods area I just grab one pack of chicken nuggets and hotdog. Is it weird that I don't like bacon and ham? So far I don't know anybody who doesn't like ham and bacon but I don't really know many people.

I inspected my basket if I forgot anything and so far all I need is in it. I pass by the ice cream freezer and look at longingly on the brownie flavored Ice cream.

I don't know what Ice cream taste like but someday If I have an extra money I will buy all the flavors that is available but for now since I am saving for my house I will just suppress my desire and walk straight to the cashier to pay for my things.

I look at Gideon and tried to grab my basket but he gave my basket to Mr. Shades and Gideon grabbed my wrist and dragged me outside the store.

"Sir I really need to purchase does items. I have no food at home." I tried to protest.

"Done." He replied.

What? Done? As in done you starve to death or done buy those food? I am confuse right now.

He didn't dragged me rudely it is more like since his legs are long one step from him is like three steps for me so it looks like he is dragging me from an outsiders point of view.

A black SUV suddenly stops in front us and another guy in a suit opened the passenger door. Gideon guides me inside the car first then followed by him.

After a minute Mr. Shades entered the car and he is holding an ecobag. The other guy opens the trunk and put something inside. After a minute he close the trunk and the car move.

How dare you Mr. Shades. My groceries are left behind while he got to buy his things? So unfair.

I sulk beside Gideon mourning for my lost supplies of food.

After awhile we arrive at my apartment. Without any notification I open the passenger door and dash to my apartment.

I sit on my couch to rest and think what is my next plan.

I am so upset right now. I wasted 30min of my life in the supermarket and I didn't even buy a single thing. What a waste of time.

As usual Mr. CEO followed me and entered my home without any invite as if we are friends for a long time in fact we just talk constantly for a solid 1 week when I was admitted in the hospital.

Two guys in a suit followed him and place 6 bags on my dining table. One by one they take out different sizes of microwavable (I just guess that up) container and stacking it up. All in all they brought 12 containers.

They stack it by 4 on top of each other and align it properly on my table.

"Ella please come here." Gideon ask me politely as if he is not mad at me 30 min ago and not threathening my job.

"These are your food for today. Every day my staff will bring fresh batch of food until you are able to take care of yourself. There is a label if it is for breakfast, dinner and such"

"This is a little extreme sir don't you think?" I rebutted.

"If you prefer any particular dish just tell any of these guys or I'll just give my chef's number or if you are shy just contact me."

He just continue explaining this insanity as if I am not protesting. I tune him out. I am good at that tuning people out.

Did I just hear him right? He will give me his chef's private number? And If I am "shy" to his chef I should just message him? What parallel universe is this?

Is NewYorker's this welcoming? I am living here for nine months already isn't a little bit too late? Or my boss is just out of his mind?!

I can see that he is concern of my wellbeing and my mentality to put it out there because of my stunt this morning but I am questioning HIS mental health.

I am greatful that he is helping me but I don't even know how to use a microwave for heavens sake! I am deathly afraid of it.

I went back to reality the same time that he says "any questions?"

I take a deep breath.


I look at him in his devastating eyes and ask him the killer question.

"I don't know how to use the microwave."

Gideon stares at me as if I am an alien but I saw a flicker of amusement in his eyes. Just a tiny little bit. Is it my imagination? I don't know at this point.

He nodded and told me his solution.

" No problem. Jared will heat it up for you. I have a meeting in 15 minutes and I'll see you later. Eat well Ella."

After saying his parting words he turned around and went out of my house as if nothing happened.

Mr. Shades stayed and ask me.

"Do you want me to heat up your lunch now Madam?"

Eat well? And he is coming back? Oh lord what in the world is happening to my life!

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