Bonus Chapter 4 ver. 2.0

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Ella's POV

Family day!

Blake and I are the only one that is excited. The rest of my brood?


Too much like their father.

I promised all my 6 babies including Gideon that if we win there will be  prizes waiting for them.

As soon as their mind registers that there is a prize for them they are immediately fired up.

"I am so ready mom! Let's do this!" Gabriel shouted.

They even practice the day before the event.

The events are Sack race, baton relay, 100m sprint, mini golf, lastly soccer.

It is a whole day affair.

We lack 4 members and so I told my trustee MIB that I want 4 members to complete our rosters since they are basically our family.

It is so entertaining to see all this muscled man compete at rock, paper, scissors just to join our team for our family day.

It is the most intense rock,paper, scissors I have ever seen. At one point I thought they will shoot each other.

I ask G to prepare some hot chocolate and snacks to console the MIB's who looses the competetion.
I promise that half of them can be our cheerleaders. They agreed immediately.

I was going to hug them but Gideon grab the neck of my shirt to prevent me from doing that.

I pout but he gave me a stern stare.

We arrive at the my kid's school with 3 SUV's followed by another 2. We went out of the car one by one and in my insistence all of us are wearing dark shades.

We look badass. Team Rosen-Hower/Bradford is here to win!

The crowd at the parking lot are all staring at us. We ignore them as usual but I am really tempted to wave at them.

The first event is the sack race so princess, Jamison and Gabriel is our representative.

The MIB's sat at the highest row inside the gym. Their imposing figure and their loud cheers intimidate our competitors.

Oh. Did I mention they are holding two purple pompoms each? Yup they are. They wave it with pride.

The race starts and our princess is last but I am not worried because that is our tactic. I can hear the MIB's Cheering Princess name repeatedly. She high five Jamison and he hurriedly jump. In the end he became 2nd. When it is Gabriels turn the ranking was overturned. We finished 1st place.

All of us Cheers the MIB's are jumping in the stands. They even pop 2 confetti bombs.

Where did they get that?

I want one.

One box.

We transfer to the oval of the school because Baton relay is next and it is mix adult and children so it is Grey, Gideon, Blake, MIB and Parker.

I heard some of our competitors mocking Parker. I was suppose to shout back but I heard one of my MIB's heckling back. I can even see Gideon holding Blake back but when he realize that Gideon will not let him go he gave the other team a middle finger.

"What the fuck! No they didn't! Master Parker! You are the best! You can do it! Ignore those snail ass team! They are ugly as hell!"

I am pretty sure we are not allowed to say bad words because this is suppose to be a family day but what the heck. I even encourage them.

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