Bonus Chapter 5

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Ameera's POV


I am roaming around Columbia because my class was cancelled and I don't want to go home. I am now 2nd year pre-law student. So far my subjects are really easy.

Just like my big brothers I finish highschool one year early. Good thing my siblings and I inherited our parents intelligence. Don't get me wrong I study properly like any other students out there. I am just blessed that I can understand concepts really well.

As I am mindlessly walking around a boy captures my attention. He was sitting alone on the grass and was reading a book.  He was surrounded by group of students fooling around and he is just there leaning on a tree, Isolated from other people. I don't know what but my feet unconsciously walks to his direction.

His breath hitch when when he saw me standing in front of him.
I remove my sunglasses and glance at the cover of the book that he was reading. I am wrong he was reading Archie Comics.

"Can I sit beside you?" I ask.

He is still staring wide eyed at me. His mouth was gaping.

I interpret that as confirmation so I thank him quietly.
I sat beside him and lean my head on the trunk of the tree behind us.

"So what is your name?"

I stare at his mesmerizing green eyes covered with crooked black eye glasses. His short blonde hair is messily styled like he just woke up. He is lean but I know he is taller than my 5'7 height.

"Cl-Cloud Su-sumers Vanderbilt." He murmured but I still heard it.

"Cloud? Did I heard you right?" What a unique name.

He nodded slightly. Pinkish hue dominates his cheeks.

Aww so cute!

"Hi Cloud I am Ameera. Nice to meet you!"

I offer my hand and he shyly shakes my hand. Surprisingly his handshake is firm and not sloppy.

"I know." He said.

"Know what?" I ask.

"I mean everyone knows you." He clarified then he proceeds to roam his eyes around us.

I scan the crowd and some of the students are discretely looking at us. When they saw that I am glaring at them they go back to what they are previously doing.

Nosy cowards.

I look back at Cloud and said
"Well everyone knows me I guess but they don't really know me. Does that make sense to you?"

His stare makes my heart skips. Damn those eyes.

He nodded.

I smiled at him and said "Well Cloud this might be too forward but can you be my friend?"

He is clearly stunned by my request which is understandable since I really doesn't mingle with other people unless it is necessary.

Cloud said something but I did not hear it properly.

"I am sorry what did you say?"

"I said sure friends." I grin.

He is my friend now. I cheered mentally.

For now.

After a while we stand up and I am correct he is way taller than me maybe 6'2 or 6'1. My dad and brothers are still taller than him except Parky who's 6 foot. We walk towards the Parking lot since we don't have any classes already and it is the weekend tomorrow.

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