Chapter 39: Meeting

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Chapter 39: Meeting


I have a brother. An older brother who I don't know exist my whole life.

Before I was always imagining I have a sibling that I can take care off or someone who will take care of me.

"Do you want to meet him Love?" Gideon asked.

"Me-meet him? You mean in the flesh?"

He nodded.

"He-he knows about me?"

"Yeah. Because I know your brother."

"You know him Gideon?how?"

"Well he is one of my business partners and I consider him my best friend."

My boyfriends bestfriend is my brother. Oh my this is kind of illegal right? I think I've read one story like this. The older brother got angry with his bestfriend because he hook up with his sister! Oh my God no!

"Gideon! He will disapprove of our relationship!" I exclaimed.

"What are you saying love?"

"I mean he is your bestfriend!"


"I mean brothers doesn't like their sister dating their friends right? Like a- like a dude code!"

I know Gideon is confused I am too to be honest. What am I saying?

"Bro code love. And no we are not violating any crap. Blake knows and he is okay with it."

Blake? That's my brother's name? Cool name. My name is very ordinary compared to his.


"Yes Blake Bradford that's your brother's name. Do you want to meet him?"

Am I ready? Heck not at all. I will never be ready.

"I mean will he like me?"

Gideon grasp both of my hands and says "He will Love you Ella. Okay?"


"We will meet him tonight if it is okay with you. He will go in our house."

I dazely nodded at him.

"Love if you are not ready we can reschedule."

"No! No! Don't reschedule. I am fine! I want to meet him."

Gideon looked at me skeptically. Clearly not believing that I am fine.

"If you say so Love."

After a few hours

I don't know what to wear.

With all these clothes in my massive walk -in closet I don't know what to wear.

Gideon found me slumped in the middle of the room devastation clear in my eyes.

He run immediately to me thinking that I am hurt.

"Hey love what's wrong? Are you hurt?"

I shake my head.

"Then why are you sitting on the floor? What's wrong Ella?"

"I don't know what to wear Gideon."
Gideon looked around the room. Perplexed. She has so many clothes that is untouched and yet she is having a dilemma of picking what to wear.

He stand up and walk to I don't know where. After a few minutes he place a set of clothes in her lap.

"Wear this love."

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