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"I'M GOING TO BE LATEEEEE!!" I yelled as I ran through the school path to try and get to class on time.

Why the heck is this school so big?!

Why, hello there! We meet again! I'm Y/n L/n, the Ultimate Shut-in. And I am proud to say that I have been attending school daily for a full month now.

Amazing, isn't it?

And although it was a diffucult task, I managed to befriend everyone in my class! Heck, I even managed to befriend some of my senpais!

I'm so sociable, it brings happy tears to my eyes just by thinking about it.

Currently, I am panicking
because I slept through my alarm and only had 20 minutes to prepare before the school bell rings.

Some luck I have, right?

I began to pick up some speed as I saw the familiar silhuoette of Hope's Peak Academy's main building.

Five more minutes until the be-


The sound of my body violently colliding with someone echoed throughout my ears.


Ah, I'm late.


"A-Are you okay...?" An unfamilliar voice spoke.

Oh, great.

I bumped into someone I don't know.

I looked up at the person I bumped into to see that they had slightly-spiky brown hair and olive eyes that held concern inside them.

"Y-Yeah... I'm o-okay..." I stood up from the ground and dusted off my uniform.

"Are you okay?" I pointed a finger at the boy, "I bumped into you p-pretty hard, y-you know... S-Sorry about that..." I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly.

The boy's eyes widened slightly at my response before letting out a small smile, "Oh... I'm okay, and it's alright... I could tell that you just wanted to get to your class on time..."

I smiled at how understanding the boy was, "T-Thanks... uhm..."


I don't know his name.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you my name, right? Sorry about that... I'm Hajime Hinata. You can call me Hajime if you'd like, uhm...?"

"Y-Y/n L/n. Oh, but Y/n is f-fine as well... Nice to meet you H-Hajime!" I held out a hand for the brunette to shake.

"L-Likewise..." Hajime took hold my hand and shook it.

After our handshake, I let my hand fall to my side as I examined Hajime a bit more.

The ahoge boy seemed to be wearing a very fancy school uniform.

He must be rich or something...

"H-Hey, Hajime... If you don't mind me asking... What school do you go to?" I asked.

"Hm? Oh, I actually go to Hope's Peak Academy," My eyes lit up at his response.

A schoolmate...!

"You go to Hope's Peak, too? That's so cool! What class are you in? Who's your homeroom teacher? Have you met Chisa-sensei? How come I haven't seen you before? Are you perhaps a transfer student? What's your Ultimate talent?" I continued to bombard the brunette with questions.

Hajime frowned and looked down at the ground, "I-I'm actually from the Reserve Course..."

"Huh?" I stopped with my questioning and tilted my head in confusion, "Reserve Course? W-What's that?"

Hajime seemed to frown even more at my question, "It's a seperate course that only has students with no Ultimate talent enrolled in it..."

"Oh, I see..."

"Sorry for ruining your expectations of me by saying that I'm from the Reserve Course..." He let out an awkward chuckle.

"Huh? What are you talking about? If I'm being honest, you actually piqued my curiosity! So tell me... What lessons do they teach you in the Reserve Course?" I asked, "If you don't mind me asking that is..." I added to avoid any more awkward situations.

Hajime looked up from the ground with a surprised expression, "You're curious...?"

I pouted and crossed my arms, "Of course I am! It's the first time I heard about Hope's Peak having a Reserve Course! Oh, which reminds me... I still have to go to class..." I looked down at the ground and let out a sad sigh.

"Guess we just have to talk about this another time," Hajime let out an amused smile at my depressed state.

"Yeah.... Oh!" I lifted my head up from the ground, "How about I visit you later at lunch break? I could even come to your building!" I enthusiastically said.

"Huh? But you don't even know where it i-"

"I'll just ask Sakakura-san for directions!"


"The head guard of Hope's Peak! He's also a friend of Chisa-sensei, so I trust him."

Hajime sighed at my persistence, "Well, if you say so... I'll be waiting for you... I guess..."

I smiled at his response, "Great! I'll be heading off now! See ya, Hajime!" I waved and ran off.

"See you..."

Love Is Hard For A Shut-in | Nagito X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora