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We ran towards the plushie factory only to find Fuyuhiko, Kazuichi, and Akane standing outside the building.

I waved toward the trio and greeted them, eager to find out their progress, "Kazuichi and Akane couldn't find anything in their islands," Fuyuhiko explained.

"How about you? Were you able to find Nagito?" My mind flashed back to the stuff he had in his cabin.

I shook my head, "No, I searched through the 1st and 3rd island before Hajime came and told us that you've found the bomb,"

As if on cue, Hajime ran towards us.

"Hm? Where's Sonia?" Fuyuhiko questioned.

"I told her about the bombs but she wouldn't listen to me. She said she's catch up with us later..." Hajime said in between gasps for air.

"Later? Why...?" Chiaki tilted her head, confused and curious.

Seeing an opportunity, Kazuichi grinned, "Can I... go bring her?" I rolled my eyes.

"Do you really think there's time for that, you fucking dumbass?!" Fuyuhiko glared at the mechanic.

I flinched at the blonde's tone and changed the subject, "S-Should we step inside the building first? After all, we need to stop the bombs," Fuyuhiko agreed and led the way.

As Fuyuhiko pushed open the door, I braced myself for what we were about to face. The first thing I noticed was the roaring engine of a nearby vehicle. It was a pickup truck filled to the brim with explosives, which was parked at the dead center of the factory.

"Th-Those things in top of the truck... Is that it...?" Kazuichi's face paled at the sight as he pointed a shaky finger towards it.

"I don't know how powerful they are, or if they have enough power to blow up the entire island but if there are that many... they must be extremely powerful," The contents of the truck was enough to tower over us, "Did he really drive this truck and carry over all these bombs?!" Fuyuhiko exclaimed.

"Kazuichi... can't you disarm these bombs? You're good at that kind of stuff, right?" Akane looked at the mechanic.

"I mean I could but..." He trailed off as he examined the wires connected to the engine, "It looks like the engine is also acting as the detonator... So if the engine shuts off, then... then... the bombs will go off."

"Damn it, so that's why the engine is still running..." Fuyuhiko cursed.

I tuned out their words as I carefully examined the surroundings of the truck. Aside from it being filled to the brim with "bombs," there was also wires attached to its engine that was connected to a big metal box. Along with that, some sort of scanner sat on top off it.

"Huh?" Chiaki spoke up, "There's some kind of machine on top of the detonator that Kazuichi mentioned,"

"Hmm? The machine on top of the box...?" He took a closer look to inspect what Chiaki was pointing at, "This looks like... a card reader..."

As if on cue, a laptop, which sat on top of the rails, turned on. We were startled! How come we didn't notice that?!

The screen flashed to reveal a video of... Nagito?!

"Why hello, everyone. Great work," His voice came out from the speakers, "So you really found the bombs, huh? Believing in you was completely worth it." He smirked, knowing full well how he has us completely wrapped around his fingers, "Now then, now that you guys have found the bombs, all you need to do is stop it."

"To tell you the truth, it's actually not that hard to do."

"You see, there's a card reader on top of the metal box. As long as you scan an e-Handbook, it will disarm the bombs," He explained, "However...! It won't work with just any student handbook. If you want to disarm that bomb... You have to use the traitor's student handbook," My blood ran cold. I turned to look towards Chiaki to find her deep in thought.

Love Is Hard For A Shut-in | Nagito X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now