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We made our way to the rollercoaster to find everyone there.

"Hi, Chiaki!" I waved at the gamer who seemed to be lost in thought.

"Everyone here?" Fuyuhiko looked around to check any missing persons.

"Looks like it..." Kazuichi muttered in response.

"Hey, did you know? According to Monokuma..." Chiaki started, "We'll all get a treat if we ride that rollercoaster together." My stomach dropped.

Ride a rollercoaster?!

Hell no!!

I haven't even rode one!

"I-I'm not riding that thing!" Kazuichi shouted in protest, "Didn't I tell you?! I get crazy motion sickness!"

For once, I agree.

"Rawr! Welcome!" The monochromatic bear appeared, "Welcome to the main attraction of this amusement park, the Great Ultra Delicious Coaster!"

"Is it true that we'll get a prize for riding that thing?" Akane asked nonchalantly. 

"Suuuureeee thing!!"

"What's the prize?" I asked.

"Nope! That's the surprise after you ride this!" He chuckled.

I swear to God, it better be something worth it.


I hunched my back as I felt my breakfast try to come back up my throat. Nagito rubbed my back in a comforting manner as I tried my hardest not to vomit.

"I feel sick..." I managed to let out in between gags.

"There, there, Y/n," The luckster spoke softly as he continued to rub comforting circles on my back.

"Alright! We've arrived! How was it? Was it fun?" Monokuma giggled.

After a while, the urge to vomit faded away which made me sigh in relief.

"Feeling better?" Nagito looked at me with concern written all over his face.

"Mhm, thank you, Nagito." I smiled softly

"Hey, hey! Let's go on it one more time!" I felt my stomach drop once more.

"P-Please don't..." Kazuichi said weakly.

"Hey, more importantly... Where's our treat?" Chiaki changed the topic.

"Oh yeah, right! Here you go! The treat is a file!" I grabbed the file from Monokuma's hands since I was the closest to the bear.

I inspected the file's cover. The word 'Mirai' was written at the front. It felt... familiar. As if I've seen this type of file before. Everyone huddled around me as they, too, observed the file.

Like clockwork, I flipped open the file and went to a peculiar page.

"Hope's Peak Academy ironically became the site for the killing school life," The first sentence read. "The mastermind behind the plan... locked the students inside the Academy and forced them to kill each other."

Along with the text, there was also a few pictures showing the students of the "killing school life." Strangely enough, I could recognize some of the faces, but couldn't put a name on them.

"The students who were pushed to their limit eventually reached a state of heightened paranoia. And... that's how the killing began," I felt a sense of deja vu by looking at the pictures. It was as if I'd witnessed those scenes happening before.

This is giving me a huge headache.

I gave the file to Nagito, saying how I couldn't handle the information and crouched down on the ground, my head in my hands, "The killings committed by the students lasted several days," He read aloud. "But at a certain point, the curtain suddenly fell."

"A group of students united and staged a counterattack against the mastermind, who paid with their life." I heard the sound of paper being flipped. I stood back up and looked at the file once more.

"With this, the six students, along with an unexpected upperclassman, who survived were able to escape the academy," We looked at the pictures of the students to find...

"Me...?" My eyes widened in shock. Along with the 6 survivors, a picture of mine, that I don't remember taking, was there. I was wearing a Hope's Peak uniform,  my hands held up in peace signs and was grinning widely at the camera.

"Why is... Y/n here?" I heard Hajime question. Everyone turned to me for some sort of explanation.

"I... I don't know," I shook my head in disbelief, "There is no way that's me... They look way different..." Which was true. My hair was shorter/longer in the picture compared to now. 

"Y/n... You're the traitor, aren't you?" Kazuichi accused.

"Wh-What are you talking about?! I'm just as clueless as you are! I... I don't even remember taking this photo!" I backed away slowly, ready to run if they decided to attack.

"Come on, guys! Stop ganging up on Y/n. They clearly don't know. Plus, they aren't the only classmate we see on the file. Look," Chiaki pointed a finger at a certain blonde's picture. 

I let out a sigh of relief, "Thank you, Chiaki,"

"Huh?!" Hajime let out. I looked to see where Chiaki was pointing.

"Byakuya??" It was a skinnier version of Byakuya and yet I had a feeling that the Byakuya we knew was different from this one.

"Th-This... definitely looks like Byakuya..." Gundham stuttered. 

"Why is Byakuya's photo here?!" Mechamaru questioned.

All sorts of thoughts ran through my mind at rapid speed. I was going haywire! 

First me, and now Byakuya?!

Could we be... the traitors???

But that's impossible! The first time I met Byakuya was right on this island!

I'm... I'm sure this was just a coincidence.

Gosh, my head hurts so much.

Everyone continued to discuss the contents of the file while I was in my own world.

This is all too much for me...

I can't handle this anymore...

Love Is Hard For A Shut-in | Nagito X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now