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I'm hungry...

Those were my first thoughts as I woke up. 

I don't know how much longer I can handle this...

My stomach whined.

I should head out now...

I stood up and walked out of my room towards the Grape Tower for the daily morning Monokuma Tai Chi.

"Ah, Y/n! Good morning!" I was startled by Sonia, "My goodness, Y/n... When did your face become Cordon Bleu all of a sudden.?"

I nervously laughed, "O-oh! Hey, Sonia. I don't know about that... I'm just gonna..." I slowly backed away from the princess and made a beeline towards Chiaki and Hajime.

"Hi, Y/n..." Hajime waved his hand.

"Looks like it's almost time," Chiaki pointed out, "C'mon, if you're too slow, we'll be late."

We entered the Grape Hall that led to the Tower.

"Then... I'll press the button," Hajime raised his index finger and weakly pressed the green button.

The doors to the Grape Tower instantly opened, which caused us to get a whiff of... oil...?


Who would...

As if on cue, the doors fully opened to reveal...


I opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out. I looked towards my peers to see their expressions adorned with shock, fear, and pain.

(Ding, dong, dong, ding)

"A body has been discovered!" The familiar chime of the body announcement echoed throughout the building, "Now then, after a certain amount of time has passed, the class trial will begin!"

"Wh-What the hell... is this...?" Hajime whispered, "Why... why is this... happening...?"

"He finally... He finally came back to us..." I let out, "Why is he...?" I felt tears cloud my vision, "Why is he gone right away?!" I sobbed. 

Please... Somebody... End this simulation...

Makoto... Byakuya... Anyone.


The sight of my friend's dead, mechanical body was enough for me to fall to my knees, sobbing.

I can't take this anymore...! 

Just when I finally recovered all my memories!

When I finally remember them!

My thoughts were cut off by Akane's familiar voice, "Hey, what happened?!" Her eyes fell on Mechamaru's body.


"I SAID MOVE IT!" She pushed her way through the crowd and clutched Mechamaru's dismembered head.

"Why...?" She cried out.

"Why is Nekomaru...?" 

"Why did he have to die... again...?!"

"Damn it... I never paid you back..." The gymnast's tears flowed down her face and onto Mechamaru's lifeless face.

I stood up, not wanting to witness any more of this, "I-I'll... I'll go call the rest..." I excused myself and ran towards the lounge, eager to get away from the scene.


I pressed the dial on the telephone and let the ringing fill my ears.

"H-Hello...?" Kazuichi's shaky voice answered.

"Kazuichi...!" I let out, my voice raspy from lack of use. Now that I think about it, my throat has been awfully dry, "Wh-What are you guys doing? Are you still at the Strawberry House?"

"Is that Y/n?" I heard the muffled voice of Fuyuhiko come from the other line.

"Y-Yea... You should go talk to them," There was some shuffling from the other side until Fuyuhiko talked.

"Yea we're still at the Strawberry house... Even if we wanted to go over there... we can't,"

"Can't?! How come?"

"Looks like someone broke the damn elevator. It's not moving at all," The blonde explained. "And we can't enter the tower from the Strawberry Hall because the door button is broken there, too..."

"So you guys are stuck?" I heard Fuyuhiko grunt in response, "Aside from that... Are you guys safe?"

"Yea, we're safe but we can't find Nekomaru anywhere. Do you know anything?" 

"D-Didn't you guys hear the body discovery announcement earlier...?" I heard Fuyuhiko tsk at my words.

"Shit! Why did it have to be Nekomaru?! He just came back to us!" I heard him exclaim, "Where was he killed...?"

"At the Grape Tower... we went there this morning and-"

"Where are the others?"

"They're still at the Tower... I just wanted to let you guys know before anything else..."

"Thank God you guys are safe. Tell you what, we'll get to fixing the elevator and we'll meet you guys as soon as possible," he explained. "If anything happens or if you guys discover anything new... Just call us, okay?" 

"Y-Yea... Same thing to you guys..."

"Good. Stay safe, Y/n," And with that, our conversation ended.

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

This is happening all too fast...

Love Is Hard For A Shut-in | Nagito X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now