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I opened my eyes only to be greeted by a blinding light.

"AAAHHH WHAT THE FU-" I stood up fron the ground to find that I was in a tropical island.

"HUH?!" I looked around in panic, "W-Why am I here?!" I looked around once more to find that I was the only one on the beach.

"Am I the only one here?!"

"How did I get here?!"


"Hey, Hajime! There's a person over there!" I turned towards the direction of the voice to find two boys who were around the same age as me.

I looked at the boys in terror as they made their way towards me.

"Hello there! I'm Ha-"

"P-P-Please d-don't h-hurt me! I-I'll d-do anything...!" I squinted my eyes shut and covered my face with my arms.

"W-Woah! Calm down! We won't hurt you," I opened my eyes and let my arms fall to my sides.

"Y-You w-w-won't...?"

The brunette smiled, "Of course."

I breathed a sigh in relief and bowed down, "T-Thank you s-s-so much!"

The brunette sweatdropped at my antics, "Y-You don't have to bow!" I stood up properly.

"A-Anyways... I'm Hajime Hinata... I don't remember my talent," Hajime laughed awkwardly.

"And I'm Nagito Komaeda. It's not really much of a talent, but I'm the Ultimate Lucky Student," The boy beside Hajime introduced himself.

"H-Hello... I-I'm Y-Y/n... L/n... T-The Ultimate S-Shut-in..." I managed to get words out of my mouth.

"Shut-in...?" Hajime looked at me questioningly.

"I... I d-don't r-really go outside t-that much..."

"I can see that..." Hajime sweatdropped once again.

Awkward silence dominated the three of us while I fought to urge to run away and seek shelter.

"A-Anways... How about we go and introduce ourselves to the others on the island?" Nagito suggested.

"Sounds good to me. You coming, Y/n?" Hajime looked at me.

"Y-Yeah, s-sure..." I whispered and looked down on the ground.

"Glad to hear that! Now let's get going, shall we?" I heard Nagito exclaim as he and Hajime walked off with me follwing behind them.

Love Is Hard For A Shut-in | Nagito X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now