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After Nagito's visit at my cabin, we decided to explore the 5th island together.

We walked towards the bridge hand-in-hand, making small talk here and there and pointing out random anomalies we saw on our walk.

We finally reached the techno-dystopia that is the 5th island. Countless of buildings were scattered across the giant piece of land. 

"Where do you want to go first?" I asked Nagito who seemed to be staring at something in the distance.

"Let's go to those food stalls over there," He pointed his index finger at the brightly lit vendors.

I hummed in agreement and we walked towards the place to find the others.

"Hajime, Chiaki, everyone! Surprised to see you guys here," I let out.

"Y-Y/n!" Hajime was startled, "We just finished exploring the island. I take it you just got here?" I nodded.

"Yup! Nagito insisted we went ahead and explored since it's a new environment and all," I gestured to the Ultimate beside me.

"Nagito!" Hajime called out, "Where have you been this whole time? You weren't at the restaurant earlier!"

I saw Nagito's eyes roll at the corner of my eye, "Geez, I wonder where you thought process wondered off to..."

"As usual, you guys keep running around in circles... What are you, hamsters?" I flinched at his tone.

For some odd reason, his tone differs whenever he's speaking to anyone but me...

It's like... All the warmth is gone.

Only disgust and hatred.

"Oops. If I compare you guys to hamsters, will I get yelled at by that weakling who dropped out?" He laughed.

Dropped out...?

Did he mean—

"Wh-Who is..?" Sonia questioned.

"You asked where I was this whole time, right?" Nagito turned to the brunette, "Well, I was in the middle of looking for someone."

Looking for someone...?

"I thought that person might've already arrived... but I guess I was wrong," He sighed, "Or maybe... that person is hiding in a secret location and carefully watching us...?"

I am so confused. 

"Who are you talking about, Nagito?" I asked, "Could there be another person on this island besides us?"

Makoto hadn't mentioned any of this to me before I entered this world...!

"It's probably the survivor of the killing school life," He laughed as if it was the most obvious thing.




He meant me. 

I chocked on my own saliva, seemingly forgetting how to breathe. My coughs turned into a fit.

I didn't expect that...!

"Huh...?" Chiaki looked at Nagito as if he was crazy. I mean, yea! No one here knows about the Killing School Life, much less participated in it.

Except Chiaki and I.

"If so, a lot of things might start adding up, don't you think?" He shrugged.

"Are you... talking about Byakuya? He's the "survivor" you're talking about, right?" Hajime questioned, "Or is it Y/n? I mean, they're here right now! Look!"

"Huh?! What are you saying, Hajime?! I don't even know the people who participated in that killing game!" The blame was being turned to me.

"...Huh?" Nagito looked confused, but then his expression turned to disappointment, "Oh, I see... you guys have only reached that stage."

"What stage...? You're not makin' any sense at all!" Akane was starting to get pissed.

"But still... if you think about it properly, you might be able to figure it out..."

"Why would Byakuya, a survivor of the killing school life, die in vain like he did at the very beginning...?" He began, "And why would Y/n, another supposed survivor, not use their experience in this killing game now? For all we know they could have used their knowledge and escaped by framing one of us!"

"Don't you think it's strange?" Nagito laughed, "Y/n isn't a survivor because they've only participated in this game!"

"Then why was their picture there, huh?!"

"Well... It's not safe to assume that everything Monokuma gives is the truth, right?" He argued, "Monokuma might have slipped in Y/n's picture to disorient us from finding the truth!"

I can't believe it.

He's actually so far from the real thing...!

He's so blind-sighted that he's protecting me!

"What does that mean?!" Fuyuhiko glared.

"The issue is not what he means! Please take back what you said about Byakuya dying in vain!" Sonia looked offended, "You have been acting very strange lately! I do not like this version of Nagito we have been witness to!"

"Awww... It look like I'm being hated..." Nagito looked at the ground and frowned, "Well, that's understandable. There's no way you guys can even comprehend my suffering..."

"Knowing the truth... can be pretty painful in its own way," He looked at his hands and smiled.

"The truth...?" Hajime trailed out, "What do you know?"

"Curious, are you?" Nagito smirked, "But... why don't I tell you guys after we've found out who the traitors are?" My stomach dropped.

Oh no.

Love Is Hard For A Shut-in | Nagito X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now