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I opened the door to be greeted by a messy room. The walls were decaying and had numbers written in dried blood. I felt my heart sink, immediately regretting my decision to go inside.

"Clack!" A sound came out from the door we entered from.

"Eeek!" Monomi squeaked, "Y/n, w-we should go..." Monomi placed her paw on the door handle, but it wouldn't budge.

"H-Huh?" Panic set in her tone, "It's not opening!"

Great... We're stuck here.

I shouldn't have listened to my thoughts...

Monomi resorted to banging on the door while I looked around, grime and blood covered the walls. I shivered in disgust.

It's so eerie...

Good thing I'm with Monomi...

"The door is designed to automatically lock... So this must be an escape room," I concluded.

"B-But...! I don't wanna stay here!" Monomi cried out.

I sighed and crouched down to the robot's level, "It's alright, Monomi. I'm here, we'll get through this together," I reassured the bunny.

"R-Really?" Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Of course!" I smiled.

For some odd reason, I feel safe whenever Monomi is around...

It's as if I know her from another life...

But she's a robot! She's probably the reason why we're here along with that stupid bear!

I stood up from the ground, "Now! Let's start," I put on a determined grin and began exploring the room, Monomi trailing behind.


With one last click, the iron bars from the other side of the room opened, revealing the exit. 

Monomi cheered as we walked towards podium in front of the door. It had... a gun...? Beside the weapon, lay a letter. I grabbed the piece of paper and read its contents.

"Congratulations! You have solved the mystery of the Final Dead Room! You now have obtained The Right to Play the Life-Threatening Game!" 

"About the Life-Threatening Game... It's Life-Threatening Roulette."

"P.S. You are held liable for setting the roulette's difficulty!"

"P.P.S. Prizes vary depending on the difficulty!"

The letter ended. 

"Prizes vary, huh..." I muttered.

"U-Uhm... What does it mean?" Monomi twiddled her thumbs beside me.

"It means the puzzles we solved up until now were just the opening act... From this point on is the real game," I explained and held the gun in my hands.

"Huh?!" Monomi panicked.

"Life-Threatening Roulette... Surely it means we have to play Russian Roulette," I grabbed the bullets beside the gun, deciding the number of bullets I'll enter in the gun chamber.

"R-Russian Roulette?! T-That's dangerous!" 

"I wonder... What's the prize for the highest number of bullets..." I grabbed five bullets and randomly placed them inside the cylinder.

"F-Five?! Y/n, you can't do that! That's dangerous!" Monomi tried to jump up to my level and grab the gun from my hand, "It takes a great amount of luck to survive 5 bullets! You can't do that! There's a five-in-six chance that you'll die!" She cried out.

"Luck, huh..." My mind shifted to a certain luckster, "Though I may not be the Ultimate Lucky Student, I think that I still have a fair chance, y'know?" I chuckled as I span the chamber of the pistol.

"Y-Y/n... Wha-What are you saying?!" Monomi trembled in fear.

"Alright then! Let's give it a go!" I exhaled and placed the gun's muzzle to my temple. 

"Y/n, stop this! Please! Y-You're scaring me..."

I took a deep breath. For some odd reason, I felt safe.

I closed my eyes shut, sweat beginning to form at my temples.

Well, here goes nothing...

I pulled the trigger and...

"Y/n!" Monomi cried out.

Love Is Hard For A Shut-in | Nagito X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now