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I made my way towards Akane, Sonia, Kazuichi, Mikan, and Teruteru who were crowding a table full of food.

"T-Thish ish sho good!" Akane said with tears flowing down her eyes.

Is it really that good?!

I grabbed a piece of garlic bread and took a bite out of it.

It is!!

I smiled and continued to eat the whole basket of garlic bread.

"You're right! Itsh sho good!" I replied and continued to stuff my face with food.

"Well of course it is, these are the world's tastiest party dishes after all," Teruteru boasted, "No matter how full you feel, you can't help but continue eating such exquisite delicacies..."

"This is the power of my cooking!!"

"T-That's kinda scary..." Mikan trembled.

"Ayo, Teruteru! There's no more garlic bread!!" I held the empty basket in my hands. What can I say? Garlic bread's the best. (I'm sorry if u don't agree ;-;)

"Oh! I didn't notice that it'll run out this quick. Hold on, let me just go to the kitchen," Teruteru said and walked towards the kitchen.

I smiled gratefully at the chef and patiently waited for him to come back with more Garlic Bread until—

(Beep beep)

The room went dark.

"Uwah! It's a b-blackout!"

"Hey, I can't see anything!"

"I-It's pitch black! My future is pitch black!"

"E-Everyone, calm down! We gotta stay calm in situations like this!"

I stopped with what I was doing and put on a fighting stance (even though i don't know how to fight).

A blackout... This is the perfect moment to kill someone...

Istg it better not be me or I'll haunt their asses.

"WAAH! Don't step on my feet!"

"What the hell? What's going on here?!"

"Thi-This is...!"


"Turn the damn lights on! I can't eat like this y'know!"

"Now's not the time to eat, Akane...." I deadpanned at the gymnast.

I stood still like the "🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️" emoji as I listened to everyone panicking around me.

"You guys? Where are you? W-Wasn't the blackout.... just in the kitchen...?"

"Perhaps the breaker overloaded?"

"H-Hold on a sec! I'll go along the wall and... do something about it!"

The lights went back again.

"Ah!" Hajime was the first one to speak followed by Sonia.

"Th-That is....!" Sonia shouted as she pointed her finger towards something causing everyone to look at the direction she was pointing at.

I silently gasped as I saw the Ultimate Nurse in a very.... uhm... interesting position...

I watched as everyone questioned the nurse on how she got into that position.

Geez. Why not instead of questioning her, you help her up instead?

I sighed as it seemed like nobody was helping her up, so I took it in me to pull the nurse up.

"Are you alright?" I looked at Mikan who was shaking and had tears at the corner of her eyes.

"Y-Yeah... Th-Thank you, Y/n..." She let out a weak smile and hugged me. I slightly flinched and hesitantly returned the hug.

Our hug was broken by Sonia because she had something to say.

"Byakuya is missing... Did he go somewhere..?" The princess asked. I looked around the dining hall and silently counted everyone.

"Eh..? Byakuya..?" Nagito questioned.

I watched as everyone frantically searched the entire building while I just crawled in to the corner where some unoccupied tables lay.

So Byakuya's missing, huh...

I hope he's alright...

He may be a bit rude and intimidating, but I feel like he actually cares about us.

I actually kinda want to befriend him...

My train of thought was cut off by an unbearable scent going through my nostrils.

"Ack!" I coughed, "What the heck is this horrible smell?!" I looked around to find where the horrible scent might've come from and discovered that it was from under the table beside me.

Should I take a peek?

Nobody is here in the dining hall except me...

Ah, fuck it.

I moved the table cloth with one swift move of my hand only to regret it.

There lay Byakuya's plump body lying face first on the wooden floor surrounded by his own pool of blood.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!" I shrieked in order to alert the others.

"Bya...Byakuya...?" I managed to breathe out as I slowly felt my consciousness leaving me.

Love Is Hard For A Shut-in | Nagito X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now