Chapter Fifty-two : Her Beautiful Nightmare

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Sofia closed the door as Debbie left for the night

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Sofia closed the door as Debbie left for the night. Going back to the kitchen she put away the cleaned utensils that she'd used for cooking earlier.

The doorbell rang making her pause.

Must be Max.

A smile instantly made its way on her lips as she opened the door to reveal the grinning face of Max. Her world seemed to fall back in peace the moment he engulfed her into a loving hug, his lips had met hers then wordlessly. She could hear the distant noise of the door closing behind them while their tongues collided and teeth clashed. By the point they came up for air, she was left dazed.

"Freshen up quickly while the dinner is still hot," her words came out shaky.

"I'll, I'm damn hungry," was his cheeky reply.

Ah. The innuendos.

Sofia just chuckled and slapped the back of her hand at his chest before shooing him away. Her chuckle died down soon, however, as she stared at his retreating back rushing up the stairs.

Katherine's evil words returned to haunt her.

It wasn't like she didn't trust Max. The thing that unnerved her here was the confidence which Katherine had spoken her venom with.

At the table, Max gobbled down everything that she had cooked in record speed and then took a second serving. He didn't even stop to talk, just gave contented moans and groans in between morsels of food. It always pleased Sofia to no end witnessing how much he enjoyed eating the food she cooked.

With full bellies then they settled in their bedroom with two bowls of ice-cream. Max had bought a huge tub day before yesterday. They were too busy solving Skyler and Neil's love-troubles to enjoy it.

"You're awfully quiet," Max commented suddenly before putting another scoop of ice-cream in his mouth as they sat on the fluffy sofa across the room.

They'd chosen this fluffy sofa the other day online, but not before many arguments. Sofia was trying to put some more homely feeling into the house that the interior décor failed to provide. It was all way too perfect, way too expensive. A little mismatch is needed to make a home. Next, she had planned to replace that ridiculously long and royal dining table downstairs with a smaller something that would look relatively less intimidating. That meant they'd another argument on due, not that she didn't enjoy their arguments. On the contrary, she adored them. It was the life of their relationship.

Sofia looked up smiling. "I'm talking, Max."

"You are. But—" he sighed. "At the same time, it feels like you're not. What has my aunt really talked to you about?"

Sofia inhaled a small breath, leaning back in the sofa she looked down at her bowl, lightly whirling the spoon into the melting ice-cream.

Their knees were brushing softly as they sat partially facing each other.

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