Chapter Forty-seven : A Night to Remember

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"Tickle my heart with your pen. Write me for all to read. Bind our love inside a book. Make me, your poetry."

- N'Zuri Za Austin


Days passed in a beautiful agony. Filled with heated eye-locks, knee weakening kisses, heartwarming gestures and romantic dates Max endowed Sofia with. Every moment passed with him was precious for her and she desperately memorized each detail like it were her last.

He took her on a walk one evening when they both came home earlier. They held hands walking side by side, both enjoying the nature around them as they strolled in the park in silence.

"I want to touch you, all the time," he had commented out of nowhere with a very thoughtful expression. And to put emphasis on his declaration, he squeezed her hand. "This feels as important to me as breathing," he added smiling down at her before looking away.

It was a rule in their personal book of revelations that Max always won in expressing emotions first, and even acting on them – be it positive or negative. No wonder, Sofia felt like a tube-light sometimes.

"I understand," she responded after a while and squeezed his hand back. "I feel the same."

Their eyes locked then for a long moment.

Making her shriek, suddenly then, Max pulled her behind a tree next to them and kissed her senseless, he kissed her until they got caught by an elderly couple in their late sixties. Sofia hid her face in Max's shirt as he stifled a laughter seeing the old pair giving them stink eyes and scurrying off vocalizing their disappointment on today's young generation.

They had burst out in laughter the moment they were alone, both feeling like giddy teenagers.

At night, Sofia made dinner in a hurry while out at the dining table Max worked in his laptop. Afterwards, with a secretive, cheshire smile sporting on his God damn handsome face he took her to the terrace.

Sofia had wanted explore this part of the house often but always found the doors of the hall leading here locked. Despite making mental notes several times to ask Max to give her the keys she had forgotten every time. So it was obvious that she was excited to stepping foot on the terrace for the first time.

Max had her close her eyes while guiding her forward.

When she opened her eyes next, a gasp of astonishment left her lips seeing a swing for two before her. Tiny fairy lights were laced around its holding bars at both sides and above. Located at the far side of the house – the rather empty hall waiting to be decorated someday in the future and the broad terrace were modishly separated by a transparent glass wall where reflections of the fairy lights were smeared like stars.

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