Chapter Forty-six: Blood Moon

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Sofia sat on the stairs out at the backdoor of her restaurant, a frown set on her forehead, her knees bouncing in agitation.

With a stone face Genevieve Mevil sat right beside her, half of her face covered in overly large sunglasses. Sofia didn't have to ask her, it was quite easy to guess that Genevieve was hiding another bruise and it was probably on an eye this time which concealer was not enough to hide.

"Are you sure your brother's in that house?" Sofia asked.

Genevieve nodded, a strand of hair slid down on her face because of the movement, she tucked the hair back slowly and sighed. "I went through his study and all the confidential files in it. Some of them are my brother's current medical files, as you already know he has Down syndrome and must be with medical facilities constantly. It was not hard to discover from those papers—the address of where he is kept in along with a nurse, visited regularly by a doctor who makes sure my husband's lifeline stays alive."

"Didn't you say that Mevil keeps his study always locked?" Sofia inquired further.

Genevieve smirked, finally letting some emotions out. "I've set an escort girl after my husband. She's keeping him very busy in hotels and his outhouses these days. The bastard didn't even realize when I took the keys."

Mevil's evil addiction at last had become his downfall.

Sofia smirked as well. "I hope he stays this busy for some time more. And before he realizes we'll bring him down to his knees."

Sofia got up on her feet and stood before Genevieve. "My husband can be of great help if we tell him, you know."

"He's a lawyer, Sofia," Genevieve looked up at her through the sunglasses. "What if he wants to involve the police, or try to approach legally or something?"

Sofia cringed.

Now that was a possibility, Sofia knew. Max was quite straight forward in these matters, and somehow she knew that if her name was included in anything... her tall monster would refuse to take any outrageous risk.

Genevieve continued in a desperate tone now, "My husband has connections even in the police and the court, he had bought many of them to do his dirty works. He'll know, he'll know for sure, and everything will be ruined in mere seconds. I'll forever lose my brother and also probably my only chance at freedom."

Sofia rubbed her temple feeling overly stressed all of the sudden. "You don't understand, I don't want to hide things from Max. It doesn't feel right."

Genevieve shook her head vigorously. "Then, Sofia, I guess you need to back off. I know you're afraid and you should be. I've already told you a hundred times how my scoundrel of a husband is. He's dangerous, Sofia, as much as the devil down in hell. You've already done more than enough for me, you've delivered me the strength and hope I so much needed. And it's probably my turn alone to cross the rest of the road."

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