Chapter Thirty-seven: Sour Memories and Softening of Heart

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Dib-dub dib-dub dib-dub...

The rhythmic noise went on in a beguiling, soothing pace.

Sofia took in a long breath filled with a certain, familiar, incredibly nice scent and huffed it out slowly.

Birds chirped in the distance. Something rustled—constantly and randomly, perhaps curtains fluttering because of light morning breeze. A myriad of noises pulled her out of the foggy world of a devastatingly contented sleep.

But opening her eyes seemed a troublesome challenge and she snuggled her face closer into the pillow.

The pillow rumbled. And then it stiffened. Then sighed, which hit her face softly. There was no movement for a long moment. When she was just slipping off into senselessness again, her groggy mind realized a super soft touch on her forehead, it had her instinctively hum in response. The touch was warm yet cold at the same time and it filled her half-asleep body with all kinds of positive vibes and stunning tingles. Her heart beat faster as she began waking up full-scale.

What was that? What's going on!

Pillow coming to life? With dib-dub heartbeats and warm breaths and tingling touches!

And, wait a minute. The living pillow had its arms around her too!

Her eyes shot open to discover a scruffy chin point blank.


Her gaze snapped down and she found herself snug against Max, chest to chest, pelvises pressed together, his hand draped around her waist, their legs entangled. And bloody hell, what was this hard thing pressing against her stomach. Morning glory!

Sofia gasped, her face shot up to see Max gazing down at her with lazy, sleepy eyes.

There was something in seeing those eyes first thing in the morning, especially if they were that hypnotic.

By the way, Neil, Skyler and Lolo would have loved this. Poor things just chose the wrong time.

Despite wanting the embarrassing opposite, she squirmed to move away from this extremely scandalous situation and he let her.

"Did you... kiss me on the forehead?" She could have put her foot in her mouth instead. God! This was awkward.

Still lying in the same way but a good distance away from Sofia, Max crossed his arms on his chest, and he looked somewhat rougish like that. "Am I not allowed to do that?"

Sofia gaped. Now, how do you answer that!

This was her chance to say that he wasn't allowed to kiss her awake, but to make matters worse she suddenly began having mental images of Max doing just that—kissing her awake, and not on the forehead.

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