Chapter Twenty-nine: Last Night's Dream

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"No, not now, I don't think it's going to be a good idea having that talk at the moment... Must not know that I know right now... Will get hyper, of course... No stress should be... It was quite a serious instruction."

The hushed voice and unfinished sentences resounded delicately and breached the walls of Sofia's sound sleep.

Sofia woke up at the sight of Max pocketing his phone and then shrugging on his coat. Must be a client he had been talking to, she thought.

He was strolling out the closet, the humongous lavish closet, and as he went into the bathroom, he kept the door open behind him. She saw him neatly brushing back his hair with a small, black comb that most men use because it's easy to carry and whatsoever. And truly, he pocketed that comb and turned around to walk back into the room.

She should have turned away her gaze, should have faked that she was asleep. It would have been much wiser if she did any of those and thus successfully dodged his attention. But sadly, she did none and just stared.

Maybe it was because there is something about looking at a man getting ready for work.

Max halted dead on his track as his eyes fell on her. He quirked a brow.

Sofia blinked. Her hands were about to quickly bring the covers over her face, but then she thought highly against it considering that would be a really childish thing to do. So she just settled on keeping her face blank and looked away, yawning, as though all kinds of boredom resided in this room.

She stiffened hearing footsteps coming near the bed as she still lay lethargically halfway tucked inside the comfy covers. But then she saw him stop at the bedside table, getting his wristwatch.

"You've been caught."

"Doing what?" Sofia snapped, half feeling like a thief but still holding onto her pride—too tight, yep, sounded just like a thief. Bloody darn it.

"Ogling me," his reply was nonchalant.

"Ogling you!" she was clearly offended and he needed to know it. "I just woke up and you were right there. And besides, it's hard to not look at a giant elephant rampaging about the room." Now she took it too far, she had to admit, but it was all his fault, really. Why pick up an argument with her that she was definitely not planning to lose!

He was sliding on the wristwatch, with his back facing her. She noted the suspicious shaking of his shoulders.

Bloody darn it all to hell.

Was he laughing at her?

She couldn't say for sure though, because when he moved and she saw the side of his face there was next to no hint of a laugh on his face. He looked as unemotional as a brick wall.

When he was gathering his things inside his briefcase and she was covertly watching his moves—because, just in case—he said over his shoulder, "I'll have to go to the court today, there's an important hearing. I'll be back early though. And... if you need anything, Debbie will be always around. Don't go near the stairs, don't try to get into the bathtub alone if you choose to take a bath, don't try to run down the corridor, don't miss your meals, and most importantly don't forget to take your medicines. Debbie has a copy of your prescription, so she will help you with those meds every time."

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