Chapter Eighteen : Of Terror and Tenacity

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The lights flickered, making it absolutely impossible to register the face that was stalking her way, with slow deliberate steps

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The lights flickered, making it absolutely impossible to register the face that was stalking her way, with slow deliberate steps. She could see that glint, however, the sinister glint of a nocturnal predator in his eyes. And her feet stumbled backward in their own accord, thundering heartbeats swirled around endlessly, like a broken record. When the back of her knees bumped into a soft surface, she fell backward. But instead of finding any softness colliding with her back, she landed on the floor. A loud shriek escaped her mouth.

"Don't, Mevil," she pleaded. "Stay away."

But he didn't. In the dark, she couldn't see his face, but somehow, she could feel him smirk.

Evil feeds on the fear that it emanates from people.

"Why would I stay away from you?" He asked.

But that voice didn't belong to Mevil. In her panicked state, sweating tremendously and trembling she realized that the voice was familiar, even if it was not Mevil's. She frowned.

Her vision blurred a little, and then it cleared as the man took another step forward. The light from the lamp-post outside the window seeped in through the slight gap of curtains, revealing the face finally.

Sofia's eyes widened, it was Max! How did Mevil become Max?

"It's our wedding night," he asserted, his long steps suddenly brought him extremely close to her, so close that his toe hit her swollen ankle, it throbbed in pain. "And I've all the right."

He sure had, hadn't he?

Her heart just stopped at that, in further panic and an onslaught of immense helplessness.

He crouched down over her on the floor, the lapels of his coat touched her chin, burning the skin when he leaned in. His eyes defined monstrosity and the contours of his jaw determined.

Right when, she thought, it couldn't get any worse, it did. Suddenly, the familiar stench tattooed in her mind of sweat and liquor and madness surrounded her. It came from him—from his very soul.

He had the face of a monster, the voice of madness, and the soul of the devil.

They were all the same.

In a bout of desperation, she tried to move away, but it was as if her limbs were made of lead. She tried to scream and slid off from underneath him, but none of her attempts succeeded.

Her fate was sealed.

"Give in already..."


Sofia woke up to smell tears on the pillow, it felt wet against her cheek. Even her neck felt damp.

She realized she was still mumbling incoherent words, pleading and begging and trembling. The realization made her put a stop to her violent sobs with a string of hiccups, but the trembling—that was completely out of her control.

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