Chapter Ten : Tales of the Past

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(lol... I like this  pattern, how about you? 
Although I think the font color isn't quite right. :/
Will have to think up something new too.
Ideas; suggestions; even covers/banners all are welcome!)


Max was in the study of the Wilder's mansion, reclined in the comfy armchair, engrossed in a book. A noise from the bookshelves pulled him out of the words that so captivated him. He turned to see it was Neil.

"I was just putting these books back on the shelf," Neil said quietly without sparing Max a look.

Max raised an amused brow. He didn't know his favorite cousin had suddenly grown a pair of eyes behind his head.

Seeing that Neil was about to turn and leave, Max hurriedly called, "Neil."

And as Neil halted, he asked, "Is my brother still mad at me?"

Neil looked over his shoulder, and Max stared back stiffly.

"You never apologized to her." It was Neil's blatant retort— straight to the point.

Freaking great.

"To whom, Neil?" he inquired through gritted teeth, although he could very well guess who Neil was talking about.

Whirling around to now ultimately face Max, Neil gave him a look of incredulity. "Sofia, of course, who else! But you very well know that, don't you?"

"I see," Max felt anger rising from within him and dangerously coming up to the forefront at the mention of her name. "So she has, in fact, bewitched you as well, just like she had all the others around her. How can you let her manipulate you to this extent? Will now an outsider so easily poison the blood between us brothers?"

Neil shook his head in frustration. "You're seeing what you so badly want to see. But one day, you'll realize how very different the reality is and how baseless your assumptions are."

"All I've seen is how you have invited Sofia to your party and not your cousin, Neil."

"No need to get your boxers in a twist. I didn't even invite Nolan—"

"Nolan is away with his wife to see his in-laws. Stop trying to get around the truth. Tell me, isn't it because of Sofia that you haven't even told me about this party of yours?" Finally, Max let his accusation spill out.

"Sofia was there for the catering," Neil said defensively, and then, in a firmer tone, he continued, "And about not inviting you, you've already given a nice demo of how you enjoy parties these days. I couldn't risk you raising another drama which I can bet you would have regarding Sofia's presence there. That party was significant for me."

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