Chapter Fourteen : Her Safe Haven

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After hesitating for a few moments, which Sofia also used to mentally prepare herself some more, she knocked on the door, first lightly and then louder, seeing that no response had come

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After hesitating for a few moments, which Sofia also used to mentally prepare herself some more, she knocked on the door, first lightly and then louder, seeing that no response had come. She was about to knock a third time but then Mevil's voice came floating, it was slightly muffled because of the wooden door.

Twisting the cold metal knob Sofia pushed opened the door.

She took a step in slowly but lingered at the doorway, unsure.

Her inspecting eyes took in the large bed in the middle of the room the first thing and the stash of papers and files there. One of the two pillows on the right had an indent of a head on it, and the blanket was thrown to the floor carelessly.

She wondered what Mevil was up to here, living in a hotel when his own home was in the same city.

But then, it clicked in her mind that perhaps he was staying with a mistress over here. Yes, that should be it. Or, it could be that his wife had kicked him out of his own house, finally getting sick of his infidelity that almost the entire city was well aware of.

"Come inside, Sofia," First the voice reached her and then the man appeared out of the en suite bathroom, wearing nothing but a velvet robe.

Her eyes widened.

Some people are just too masterful at breaking their own records of indecency.

Involuntarily she took a small step back.

The movement didn't go unnoticed by Mevil, his vulture like gaze was following her with such attention.

"I'm glad you came," He drawled, strolling closer to her, his pace was prudent like that of a careful predator's.

Sofia stood rooted by the door.

The slimy man was doing nothing to hide his obvious perverseness.

She steeled herself, however, in spite of the feeling of awkwardness and disgust.

"I am here to collect the payment," She raised her chin, narrowing her eyes. "I hope you remember."

"Oh, I do," Mevil smirked lazily, halting to a stop near the giant king size bed. "By the way, you look beautiful today."

What the hell!

The douche was bloody flirting with her. Sofia flared inside. She kept her face blank though.

Without a care in the world, Mevil ignored the glare Sofia threw his way.

"Why don't you have a seat, Sofia? And then we can talk all about what you came for." Mevil suggested.

"I'm alright here, you just hand me the money and I'll be off on my way," Sofia declared crossing her arms.

Now it was Mevil's turn to look irritated. He was about to keep voicing his rubbish advances but a polite knock on the door behind made him close his mouth.

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