Chapter Thirty-one: The In-Betweens

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Sofia was just in the middle of a very pleasing dream where her diner had expanded into a fast-growing restaurant chain. She was in a pinstripe suit, looking all fit for her meeting with her board of directors. But then a pair of strong, muscular arms wrapped around her shoulders and stopped her from going in the doors so that she could finally begin the bloody meeting.

She harrumphed, irritated.

But the arms wouldn't let her go, stubbornly they had claimed her in their grip. Twisting her body in the embrace she turned to face the person, to know who it was precisely so that she could give him a piece of her mind. Her forehead collided with a well-built, hard chest and she closed her eyes momentarily.

She sucked in a breath and with that breath took in a lungful of some sort of incredible scent. Enticed and curious, she opened her eyes.

It was an almost dark surrounding that greeted her--which was clearly not the case in her dream, there she could see very clearly. But here, when awakened to face reality, she had to suddenly blink enough times so that her eyes could adjust to the lack of decent light.

With dread she began to realize that there were still arms around her, strong and muscular, the incredible scent was still present, and even her chin ended up resting on a well-built chest as she moved up her face. The warmth that was soaking in her body and the soothing breeze of small puffs of breath on her hairline was undoubtedly addictive, but what made it all profane was the fact that they belonged to Max.

Something in her mind shook, forcefully bringing her out to complete consciousness.

Sofia scrambled back from his embrace, and it was so difficult at first, so much like her dream. He had tsked and was beginning to nuzzle her forward. But she wasn't a fluffy pillow damn it. She was Sofi. And she was not Sof, certainly not hell-dog. And so she whacked him on the arm.

"Hah!" At last, he stirred.

She watched him rub his arm where she had whacked him, and then he was slowly blinking his eyes open. For a short moment, he just looked at her, smiling.

There, there, loony.

And then the fact that she was looking back at him, more like glaring at him, registered in his brain. His eyes widened, and he swung up to a sitting position on the bed. The comforter cocooned around them flew away.

"I can explain," he hastily said.

Sofia scoffed.

What was there to explain? He was caught sneaking into the bed and accidentally hugging her in sleep. Furthermore, there was no doubt that this had been going on freaking every night since her return from the hospital.

Things she had thought had been happening in her dream were actually very much real. Damn him for fooling her this way.

Sofia counted from ten in reverse, and when it hit zero, she let out a long breath, releasing all emotions—murderous ones—from within her.

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