Chapter Five : The Party Of Vengeance

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Back to square one! This chapter used to be the first entry/chapter/prologue of the first draft of the story. And as I've said before, so much is added and a bit changed in this chapter. Read on to find out what the changes are... 


Who knew, what Sofia thought was going to be a new and magnificent beginning actually was going to be quite a doom. A doom was prepared specifically for her. 

Who knew? 

Sofia watched Max and on his arm his date for the night, donning the same dress as hers. The exact replica of the blue dress he'd sent to her and requested that she wore for this reunion party.

Had he given that woman, his date, the dress because he wanted to prove how easily replaceable she was? 

Because it seemed like it.

Her mind took her back to ten years ago when they were best of friends before things went downhill. Max used to say then, "you are the most special, Sof. You're not like any other girl."

His genuine, innocent voice of the past was now a contradiction to his purposeful present.

Her heart twisted in her chest.

Since the moment she had walked into the party, the royal cold shoulder Max had been giving her had worked as a slow poison. As she chased him across the entire hall, trying to talk to him... her confidence, her excitement, and then all the hope dissipated into fear and humiliation. He was not even sparing her a glance, always scurrying off with his voluptuous woman on his arm, as if Sofia meant contamination that he needed to avoid at any cost.

Giving her pitiful looks every once in a while, Neil tried to keep her busy with some other old friends they located. But the wire of affinity that used to be with the said friends here seemed to be disintegrated over the course of time and distance. The rhythm had tumbled out of tune. Introductions sounded too proper, jokes had a lot of effort behind them, words were cautious and eyes subconsciously drifted off to other places giving the impression of disinterest deep down. 

Sighing Sofia decided to concentrate on Neil's funny blabbering instead. But then Neil too had to go outside the hall to get an important phone call from a client.

It was then it began when things took a turn for the worst.

Apparently, Max's date had brought her entire gang of bimbos to the party as well, no matter that none of them were from their high school. On her way to the washroom, Sofia walked past a pair from the girl gang aka the giggle horde--a skinny blonde and another long-legged brunette. Coincidentally while sliding past the door frame she got a lump of some kind of gum stuck in the laces of her dress that swirled about her legs. There was a round of giggles from the departing pair of blonde and brunette that made Sofia halt and spin around to stare at them for a second. She had the urge to confront them but it was also a given that they would surely deny or begin something worse even, and causing a scene was something Sofia wasn't interested in at that moment. 

She felt already too down from a certain someone's incessant dismissal.

It took her a while in the washroom to wash off the sticky gum from her dress with the help of the available liquid soap. In the process, the back of her fingers on both hands got some bleeding scratches from her own nails. Although it was nothing that pressing a hand towel couldn't solve. 

Into the trash, she threw the white towel that was now covered with tiny blotches of red. And then she took in a long breath imagining it was the strength she inhaled. Sure most of the lower part of her dress was wet now and so felt heavy around her legs, making the task of walking toilsome, but she knew she couldn't give the impression that she was suffering in any way. She had a suspicion that her self-pronounced enemies were not done yet.

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