Chapter Twenty-eight: Meant to Be

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Surprisingly, the first session with Dr. Bethany went really good and Sofia had to agree that she looked forward to talking to the woman again in the next one. She never felt at unease telling the genuinely benevolent woman about all that happened in that hotel room and also about all that didn't happen but was materialized brutally in her nightmares.

Sofia even went ahead to give a summary of what her childhood was like, but that was only after getting assured from Bethany that the matters they talked about were going to be confidential—it wasn't going to be mentioned again, to anyone, or anywhere. Or Sofia could just sue Bethany if the otherwise ever happened. That got Sofia to grin along with her.

During the whole time as Sofia spoke, Bethany never once stopped her or asked any question disrupting the pace. The woman only queried her and stated her two bits when Sofia was done and that too in a way which could gladly be declared as a friendly chat to the next-door childhood friend.

If Bethany caught the unspoken hint of Sofia and Max's turbulent marriage she refrained herself from commenting on it and Sofia was only thankful for that.

"That's it? You're not going to do something," Sofia frowned. "Like—hypnotize me, or prescribe some kind of a therapy or meditation to chase away the nightmares."

Dr. Bethany only laughed, her eyes crinkling at the sides. "No, I'm not going to do any such thing. Sorry to burst your bubble Mrs. Wilder but you're yourself going to chase away those nightmares. A mind itself has all the solution of problems that it suffers through, medication in psychology comes mostly from within and not from the outside. We, psychiatrists, are here just to encourage—to give that much needed push that is required to coax a being start the healing process."

"Don't take offence, doc, but looks like you earn a hell lot of money just from hearing people out and saying just two sentences at max in the end."

The next laugh Bethany let out almost shook the walls of the hospital room.

The sound of laughter had to definitely have a splendidly positive vibe in it because Sofia could feel it deep in her bones, it was oddly relaxing, and made her wonder, if that was too a part of psychiatric treatment as well.

"Although you need to do a task, Sofia, to get well in true sense," Bethany said after taking a moment to calm down, it was when silence settled again in Sofia's otherwise bland hospital room.

Sofia looked at her questioningly.

Bethany replied with a smile, tilting her head, "Find things that comfort your mind the most. Things that will keep your mind too busy with gathering pleasure that it won't have the time to worry about anything else. It doesn't mean your problems will disappear, hell no, to battle the roots of your problem is a completely different thing and it's, sessions with me and your places of comfort are there to distract in the meanwhile and provide the strength you would need for the purpose."

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