Chapter Forty-five: The Courtship

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"Then don't."

There, she said it. Eyes fluttering open just a little fraction, she was melted in his arms. She clutched his shoulders for support while his hands still cupped her flushed face, she was warm all over from that one kiss. The sensual moves of his mouth did not just weaken her knees, it bloody caused her spine go inert.

She had here clearly given him the permission but felt quite frustrated seeing the hesitation in his eyes.

He wanted her. It was as clear as daylight now but still he was fighting his rotten inward battle.

His palms stiffened on her jaw, his lips were pressed into a thin line and eyes burning with torment. "Sof," he inhaled a sharp breath. "Do you even know what you've just said?"

He looked like a man possessed by a mighty demon, a demon he was having trouble containing. With his lashes wet, nose red at the tip and lips swollen from their kiss... he looked quite the sight of seduction.

The corners of her lips lifted up into a lazy smile. "I'm fully aware of my words, I mean it, Max."

If possible, he looked even more tormented. "I want our first time out of love that is mutual, Sofia, not for the heat of the moment."

Now, Sofia was getting irritated. She raised a brow. "So you mean to say you don't love me? The bloody emotional conversation we were having since the last half an hour did not have any undercover love included in it? And what about the kiss? Dare you say it heat of the moment!"

Max frowned deeply. "I never said I do not love you!"

Is this man even real!

"But you also did not say you do," Sofia pushed off his hands from her face, but she began missing his touch immediately.

His hands hung empty in mid air for a small second before they found their way around her waist lightly, stopping any way for her to escape. Sofia was highly satisfied. She was quite liking this clingy side of Max.

"Fine," she muttered and then lifted her chin with brave determination. "If you're not going to say it, then I am. And I'm going to absolutely mean it."

"Sof?" Max looked down at her surprised. "You... you mean to say... how you..."

Why was he so shocked at the idea of her being in love with him!

"Yes, now you get it... too," she threw back his earlier words with a grin.

"I lov... mmm," And she was shut up by another scalding kiss. This was fiercer than before, had a determined purpose behind and coated up with a thick layer of relief. He poured his bliss in the kiss ultimately.

"Max, I...," And then when she tried to say the three words again, he repeated the process.

After teasing her tongue with his, he slid his lips to the corner of her mouth and chuckled huskily there.

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