Chapter Forty-nine : A Call of Trouble

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It was preposterous the way Max had been reacting

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It was preposterous the way Max had been reacting.

His jealous fits were cute, truly. But his tendency to blow some perfectly normal situations way out of proportions was what ticked Sofia off at times.

Joe's recent promised visit to Mary's was one of those times, when one fine morning he arrived with a grin so broad and a grocery bag spilling with vegetables, fruits, shrimp, meat and what not.

Sofia was ecstatic as he quickly put on an apron and got down to work, teaching her several unique recipes. He was also very generous about sharing stories of his father Jason Ramsey's private cooking experiences, some of which were quite hilarious fails by the way. Sofia had really a good laugh with Joe as he told those stories so animatedly, even her staff were quite entranced by the guy.

However, Max had to crash in right then.

His unannounced visits to her workplace were not new to Sofia, but what made her frown in exasperation was that he stayed for two freaking hours after seeing Joe there. Each moment of those two hours were then passed with Max breathing down Joe's neck and delivering him highly offended looks consistently, until Joe finally became utterly uncomfortable to the bones and scurried off.

"I don't like him," Max had complained after coming back home deciding he was going to bunk office for the rest of the day.

"You sound like a kid, Max, get over it," Sofia had scoffed and he was scowling ever since. She had to literally seduce the bad mood out of her man and let's just say they had a round of sweltering session of activities in bed afterwards.

It was befuddling the idea that this one man, otherwise seeming so unyielding, could get so sensitive when it came to her. Good thing was that she was quickly becoming an expert in taming his ruffled feathers. She was highly suspicious though, that even he himself enjoyed being tamed by her.

Max could be a savage lion to the rest of the world but was a purring cat with a ball of wool around her.

What an endearing inner animal disorder!

In the midst of this domestic bliss they'd been relishing after going through all the difficult tests life had put them through, another alleviating news turned up soon.

The news of Mevil finally getting caught by the police.

He now rested behind the bars awaiting the date he would be presented to the court. Max was confident about toasting Mevil alive in the courtroom and so was she confident on her husband's efficiency as a bad-ass lawyer.

"For some reason, there's still this uncomfortable itch at the back of my mind. Things have ended easily... way too easily." Max had a few lines appearing on his forehead as he voiced out his concern about Mevil's swift downfall.

They were on the terrace, sitting on the swing leisurely one evening and enjoying some coffee. Days when they both returned from work earlier, it became their routine passing some quality time there sharing about their individual days at work; chattering about everything and nothing; arguing over silly topics and then just staring at the vast sky above while holding each other close.

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