Chapter Four : The Blue Dress

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Everything seemed to be looking up since the night Max had invited her to the reunion party.

Or was it her mood which was at it's brightest that made it seem like it?

Whatever it was, Sofia wasn't complaining at all.

After their monumental late night visit at her diner and the invitation from Max for the party, two whole days had passed, and she had yet to hear a thing from him or at least get a single glimpse of him. So far, she had just gotten an excited phone call from Neil, letting her know that the coveted party was going to befall three days later. He acquainted her about the venue and time, and then cheered at the fact that she and Max were finally rekindling their lost friendship.

"Now we'll just have to wait and watch if this friendship of yours truly turns into a full blown romance," Neil drawled, his tone teasing but there was a hint of genuine excitement underlying.

"And I'm telling you for the thousandth time Neil — only in your dreams!" Sofia chastised and cut the call hastily, her face went red the same way as ten years ago.

Memories came back of when her friends used to tease her at school like this saying some silly shit about how Max stared at her when she wasn't looking and how she stared at Max when he wasn't looking. Those teasing sessions used to leave her so pathetically inflamed because of some obscure reason as they went on and on about how she and Max would surely hit it off one day.


Sofia shook her head to rid of the thoughts.

The next morning Skyler jumped around Sofia, squealing and clapping. "Ah! After a decade, finally, your childhood boyfriend's back awake and kicking after that dramatic escape of his."

Sofia grabbed Skyler to a stop to deliver a whack behind her head. 

"Oh, for devil's sake, he's not my bloody boyfriend!" Sofia indignantly protested but began to blush anyway.  

Skyler opened her mouth but Sofia cut in firmly, "And will never be."

"But it seems so," Skyler still insisted quite playfully. "Since always." 

There was just no point in arguing. Maybe it was her fate to endlessly get teased about Max. Couldn't they just see that they were hardly even friends?

Sofia busied herself in her diner for the rest of the day, her mind however stayed busy with the thoughts of a certain tall someone possessing deep brown eyes.  

Perhaps, yes. Or perhaps, no. Who knows! 

In the evening, after coming back home she took comfort of a hot shower that relaxed her sore muscles, eager heart and optimistic mind. She was feeling slightly hazy with laziness when she stepped out the shower. 

She was on her way to her room in pajamas, with a towel patting her hair softly behind her head, when she did a double take seeing over the railing at the sight downstairs of Skyler and Sammy interrogating a squirming man at the front door.  

"Skyler, Sam," Sofia called moving towards them with a frown. "What's going on over here?"  

 The man at the door looked relieved as she approached. "You've been sent a parcel ma'am," the man said in a formal tone. "You need to sign here."  

Sofia eyed the parcel curiously that the man held in one hand. "And who send it to me?"

"Mr. Wilder."

Skyler giggled like a giddy witch in the background which Sofia chose to ignore. Sam squealed, "It must be my tall monster!"

Sofia's heart jumped. 

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