Chapter Twenty-six: Unexpected Warmth and Expected Collisions

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It was a bizarre feeling, being surrounded by and drowned in so much nice warmth that could put any blanket to shame because this had as much comforting cold as well in the form of a sort of soft and steady breeze blowing against her neck and shoulder.

Involuntarily Sofia shivered and then moaned, her eyes fluttering open after a few lazy trials.

The immediate thing that came to her mind was the realization of having the best sleep in a very long while. The white ceiling and the usual smell of a hospital were registered through her senses next. And as her mind awakened in a steadfast speed right afterward, she began getting aware of the very much male body, stout and defined, snugly cuddling her from one side.

Sofia jerked her head so fast to the side that her neck creaked coarsely. She gasped in shock and gawked, horrified at her besotted husband's face tucked into the nape of her neck. Finally, she figured out the source of all the warmth and that soft, rhythmic breeze against her skin. What had seemed like the blanket of warmth and the nicest summer breeze now looked all wretched.

Because certain things can be indubitably accepted with eyes closed only.

A Series of questions erupted like a volcano in her mind. Why the heck was Max sleeping next to her? And why this close?

And to think that he was the reason behind one of the best beauty sleeps she had ever had—it frightened Sofia shitless.

Her reaction after that was purely based on the fright of the moment and the awkward realization that popped into her mind that last night was, in fact, the first night her husband had shared a bed with her. Not in that way—but still!

Sofia slid back onto one elbow, lifting herself a bit. Her numb spine from sleep creaked deliciously, but more than enjoying that bodily pleasure after the long respite. She concentrated on swinging her good foot toward Max's sleeping form.

What a marvelous kick it was, no matter how feeble the strength invested!

Max was basically barely hanging beside Sofia on the single bed. It was easy, therefore, to have him roll away and finally fall out with that one swift kick.

However, every action has a similar and opposite reaction, and so Sofia's injured foot got grazed a little because of her violent intentions. But she forgot to even register that little pain, for no doubt the sight of Max's shocked face and his loud growl of surprise as he sat wide awake and disoriented on the floor was more intriguing.

"Who gave you permission to sleep in my bed?" Sofia accused, watching him putting his palms behind on the floor to push himself up as he slowly figured out what had happened to him.

Max stood in front of her, sporting an irritated scowl. Crossing his arms over his chest, he sighed. "You were having a nightmare," he stated.

"Do you have them often?" Max asked patiently when she looked away, remembering all about the nightmare and how he had shaken her awake and, without her knowledge, had slid into her bed.

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