17. Not again

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"Hey I think let's call this a day."

Coach Han slowly approached the thai girl who's just got off the pool. He handed a towel to the girl as they made their way to the bench.

The older man look up when Lisa stand up after drinking her water. "It's still early, I can go again." said Lisa to the questioning stare the coach giving her.

"Ah no we still have a lot of time to practice don't worry. you need to rest lisa."

"No- I I'm okay really." Lisa shakes her head.

Coach Han sigh as he put a hand on Lisa's shoulder. "you needed to rest I cannot let you practice your ass of if there's something going on with you."

Lisa frowned at him as he slowly retracted his hand back. "You seem distracted today." He said his observation.


"Are you okay ? Is there anything I can help?" Coach Han hesitantly ask the girl who immediately flash a reassuring smile and shake her head.

"No sir Im fine! Totally fine." She smiled pointing behind her and bow. "Im gonna change and go." after coach han nods she quickly run inside the locker room.

As soon as she made inside, the first thing she did is grab her phone and checks her messages inbox. Empty.

There's still none. No text nor call. No messages at all. She sighed dropping to the bench there and closes her eyes.

For the whole three days after Bambam and Jimin fly to Canada she heard nothing from them. Not even a single message saying they already landed to the country safe. Lisa's auntie been asking her son's where about to the girl as she's almost running out of excuses to tell to her auntie and even her mother been wondering where bambam staying his night for the passed three days. Their profs and friends as well considering she's cousin to the young Thai man. Bambam and Jimin are really went MIA to everyone.

She doesn't know what to think anymore, the more she over think, the more she got worried for different scenarios that came in her head. she felt like it's her responsibility of their situation. She's angry to herself for letting this to happened and how she couldn't do anything about it.

When Lisa finished changing she went out of the uni to realize it's actually dark outside now. She wondered how long did she sat alone in the locker as she made inside her car and drove to the nearest convenient store.

While waiting on the lane to pay what she bought, there's a kid passed by her who's struggling to open his huge rainbow lollipop. The boy keep whining and stomping his foot. Probably impatient to taste his candy already. Lisa notice that no one's paying attention to the boy, either having a conversation to others or busy with their phones. Nonetheless Lisa shrugs and decided to help the kid.

"Here lemme help you." She grabs the candy from the kid and easily open it then gave it back to the smiling kid.

"Thanks Unnie!" He beam and started run out of the store.

Lisa smile to herself as she follows the boy with her gaze. The boy was immediately carry by a lady. Who's about in her mid- 40. They started to walk to the parking lot while the boy keeps on blubbering to her mother. They finally stop in front of the car as the man inside got off. And Lisa couldn't believe her eyes as she watched the scene. The man quickly got embrace by the boy making the two adult laugh and by their position. It looks like they're all having a family group hug.

The scene immediately brought a familiarity to the Thai girl. As she remember her group hug with Jennie and her parents. Only today that group hug are belong to somebody else. Lisa watched her father marco goes inside the car as she escort the lady and the kid. That got Lisa alarm and pulls out of her trance.

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