3. Kim's household

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The whole car ride to my house is completely silent, no one dared to utter a single word, only the irritating sound of her fingers that Continuously tapping the steering wheel.

"Stop it." I muttered under my breath.

She glanced at me for a moment and back on the road again as she stop the movements of her fingers.

We stopped when the traffic light turned red. She's humming like usual while waiting but today Im irritated at the sound.

"Stop that."I coldly said not looking in her way.

She frowned at me like confirming If I said something, that reaction only made me more annoyed as I rolled my eyes. "Stop humming!"

She was slightly startled at my sudden voice but obliged anyway as she puffing out of breath, she leaned her back instead.

The silence continue as she started the engine again when it turns green. I shifted a few times to my seat and even coughed while sniffing. And we're almost there to my house but she's still not talking!

Is she seriously not going to talk to me? She said it's okay we go home already but why she's acting like this! Is she mad? I think.

"we're here." she announced as I look outside seeing our dark front yards. I didn't realize we're already here as I was busy talking in my head.

"I won't accompany you inside, your mom and dad might sleeping already, didn't want to disturb." She said when I didn't move a bit to my seat.

She sighed as she walked out walking over to my side as she open it for me.
"Let's go? "she lend me her hand but I didn't grab it instead turning away from her direction.

"You're mad at me." I didn't asked rather stated.

I heard her sighed heavily behind me. "Mad at you? You know that I can't be mad at you right?"

"But you're."I insisted.

"I told you Im not mad, let's just let's just move on its not a big deal seriously." She tried to hold my shoulder but I shrugged her hands off me as I turned around.

"Not big deal? I hurt my ankle while you apologize to that man instead to defend me! " I spat at her as I clenched my fists.

"It's not about defending baby, we're there to celebrate not to get into trouble." she calmly said as looked around us.

"trouble? You think I wanted trouble? It's not my fault he is!" I argued raising my voice.

"Hey no need to shout, your entire neighborhood might wake up." she whisper as she knelt in front of me chuckling slightly.

"Don't laugh at me Lisa Im not joking here." I glared at her as I grab my purse walking passed her.

"Okay Jennie." I stop the moment I heard those.

"What did you say? " I looked at her dead in the eyes.

"Ahm Okay Jennie?" she raises her eyebrows confusedly as I felt my eyes watered.

"Hey hey what's wrong?" she immediately scooted to me.

"Don't touch me!" I pushes her of me as I sob. I can't believe this idiot would call me by my name.

Her worried expression changed into amusement like she just realized my state. "You're crying because I called you by your name? Aww" she hugged tightly while rocking me back and forth. Her warmth makes me feel good so I didn't tried to resist.

"This is why I love you so much, you can be cute without even trying." she squeezes me tight as I looked up at her while pouting.

"My Jennie is being a baby again," she teases as she glanced down my lips then back to my eyes again.

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