5. pissed off kitten

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Lisa woke up the next morning to the weird smell forcing her to get up.

She dragged her feet outside but stop as she turned back around traveling her eyes around their new bedroom with a small smile.

Lisa looked down to her wrist watch as she narrowed her eyes seeing it's only 7 am, then a loud squeal follow by the sound of thud can be heard as Lisa hurried downstairs.

"Oppsss, " Jennie giggle softly when she clumsily tripped over nothing as she looked up. "Good morning babe!"

Lisa stared in front of her with her mouth slightly agar like she didn't know if she should be worried or amused at her girlfriend state.

There she is her girlfriend standing with her pink pajamas looking like a little kid with a flour all over her face and hair.

Chuckling softly Lisa approached her girlfriend as she wiped her face with the sleeve of her sweater." Good morning, what are you doing nini?" Lisa asked looking around the messy counter covered with flour, crack shell of eggs, and burned pancakes?

"Oh you making pancakes?" Lisa said letting go of Jennie as she approached the table but the smaller girl quickly takes the burned pancakes as she hide it behind her.

"No I didn't make anything." Jennie Shakes her head holding the tray securely behind her as Lisa tried to peek.

"It's that for me? Aww you make me pancakes?" Lisa cooed softly as she walked towards the smaller girl who's backing away.

"No I didn't." Jennie Shakes her Head rapidly as Lisa snatched the tray behind her making her sighed loudly in defeat.

"I didn't mean to burned those, I think the stove are broken and-"

Jennie stop to observed Lisa's face as she take a big bite.

She bit her lip as she anticipated worriedly to Lisa's expression.

"Perfect."Jennie watch the girl in front who's enjoying munching her food while making a pleasurable sounds.
"This is the perfect pancake I've ever tasted. " She gave Jennie a thumbs up while the smaller girl smile to her.

"Really?" Jennie clasped her hands together behind as she beamed tiptoeing slightly. " So you like it? "

"Yea but I like you more. " Lisa smirk playfully as she made her way upstairs but turned around again pointing to her girlfriend. "Get ready we're gonna be late for our first day of school." still giggling to herself.

"I know that, why you laughing! " Jennie looked at her confused.

Lisa stifling her laughter as she run upstairs without a word.

• • •

The black haired girl nudges the shorter girl beside her who's going to talk as they stared down to the spacing out girl in front of them.

Jisoo rolled her eyes before slumping her books with force to Jennie's table startling the girl.

Jennie quickly puts a hands to her chest steadying her breathing as she looked up.

"Girl where did you just go? Mr. Wilson just dismissed minutes ago."
Irene asked as she put both hands on her hips.

"We're supposed to have lunch now, I don't want my foods waiting." Rośe said dramatically as she fake crying.

Jennie's been tuning out the whole class since they arrived school after her girlfriend inform her That their schedule were not the same, she wanted to complain but she knows it was a childish act so she just let it go but she couldn't help to get upset a little. glancing around at the now empty room as she stands grabbing her belongings as they made their way outside to the cafeteria.

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