18. kiss and make up

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"Gimme seconds!" Rosé shouted as she descendent downstairs. She opens the door a little too fast and frowned when she saw Jin standing there.

"Ah hi is Jiso-" He stopped when the door closed in his face. He step forward to knock again. "Hey rosé! Lemme in I'm just gonna talk to her hey!"

The blonde open it with dissapointed written in her face. She didn't got up in her comfortable position on the couch just to find out it's Jin and not the pizza delivery she's waiting.

He smile brightly then tried to walk inside but the girl quickly block his way. "It's girls night."


"So I can't let you in." She stated but then raised her brows. "unless.. "

Remembering bambam's revelation about his sexuality he widened his eyes and quickly exclaimed. "Hey! Im not like that!"

"Geez so exaggerated." she rolled her eyes and pushed Jin's chest out of the door. "Just message Jisoo unnie or come back again next time." She didn't wait for the boy as she slum the door and run upstairs.

Irene looked up from her laying position as soon as the door open. "Where's the pizza?"

"It's Jin but I tell him to go home."

Jisoo walked out of the closet with mask in her face. "Good."

Irene sat up and raised an brow towards chaeng. "ooohh. Spill."

"He's close to Limario so I figured if the idiot hiding something then he probably knew something."

"And..? What did he says?"

Jisoo shrugs sitting down beside Irene while massaging her face. "said he don't know anything."

"He's obviously lying trynna cover his bamboo friend." Irene hissed.

"If he knew something I'm gonna end everything between us."

Rosé chokes into thin air while Irene turned to Jisoo. "Girl are you serious?" while giggling.

Jisoo nodded. "I'm serious. My best friend is hurting and he knew how my friends meant to me then he just watched Jennie be wondering what she did wrong? No no I'm not gonna tolerate that." she shakes her head.

Rosé who's standing at the door frame clears her throat and excuse herself outside at the same time the bathroom door open and Jennie walk out with her still bloodshot eyes and swollen nose.

She sat between Irene and Jisoo on the bed as they cuddle her. "How's you feeling now boo?" Irene asked.

Jennie sniffs before speaking in her rasp voice. "Better. thank you girls for always being there for me."

"It's nothing Just tell us when do we need to kidnap your bae and force her to speak." Jisoo said.

Irene frowned at that. "what are you? kid? We'd go straight to killing. No one messes with us."

For the first time that night Jennie laugh and slapped them at the leg. "Guys stopped I'm the one who'll kill you both I swear." She smiles. "No really it's nothing I'm..just Hurt on what she said that's all."

Jisoo look at her unsure. And Jennie giggled nodding slowly. "Really unnie I'm fine." She glanced at the clock before looking to her friend. "So are we gonna watch that sweet house you're recommending or nah?"

"sweet home." Jisoo corrected before standing up. "why are you in rush anyway? We have all night."

Jisoo turned around. "right?"

reason ✈️ JenlisaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon