11. you never lied

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Lisa's POV

"Maybe she got it from our mother? Because it's definitely not from dad he's so short for a normal male height. But then again mom is not that tall and.. Whatever but I swear she's getting taller and taller everyday! And when I was on her age I'm not even that tall.."

I let my girlfriend rambling about how unfair the difference of her height and her little sister when she was on her age as she continued to trim my bangs while sitting in my lap.

After Jennie, Ella and I ate pizza while watching Netflix I dropped the little girl on the Kim household. Her parents obviously miss her a lot just like her older sister after spending a summer in Hawaii with her aunt. Mrs kim even invite me for dinner with them but I politely decline saying I couldn't leave Jennie alone especially she's having period cramps right now-  I mean earlier, she looks absolutely fine now after suggesting to trim my bangs and she even initiated a make out awhile ago so yea so she's so fine.


I flutter my eyes open when Jennie tap my cheek softly.

"Yea? Are you done?"I Asked her As I tried to see my bangs, furrowing my eyes miserably.

"Yep but I'm asking you a question. Are you even listening?" She face me again after putting the scissor at the table behind her.

I'm not cause I'm about to drifted to dreamland but you woke me up my love. "Sorry what is it?"

"I'm saying that when we decided to have baby you're the one that carrying him or her." She smiled at me as she fixing my bangs.

"And who said we're going to have baby?" I arch an eyebrow at her.

Her smile quickly vanished as she tilted her head to the side. "Okay then I think I will have to work hard for it with some random guy–"

"No way! over my dead body."I mimicked her favorite line as she giggled slapping my shoulder.

"But seriously I wanted them to have the same features as you, same doe brown eyes."she gazes her fingers to my eyes as she lowered it to my nose. "Same prominent nose." and finally landing at my bottom lip. "and same plump rosy lips that I love so much." She finished as she leaned for a kiss, she's was about to pull away but I tighten my grip on her hip as I sigh to the kiss leaving both of us breathless.

"Or maybe you just don't want it to have the same 3 ft height as you." I whisper in her mouth while smirking.

"Them, it's not things you idiot." She correct me smiling with her flustered face. "I just want to have little Lisa in my arms as I sang to them in sleep and read them bedtime stories you know."

This is unusual as I continue to stares at her. Usually when she was on her period she always find ways to argue and fight with me or punch and bite me for no reason but talking about kids? Woah it's too soon I'm only seventeen honey.

"Okay I'll give you that but don't you think it's a little off of my style to have a big bump in my tummy with my badass reputation?" I joked

"Oh come on I think it's gonna be cool you know wearing leather jacket and boots while riding your big ass motorbike. Preggy badass that's unique babe." I chuckle at her remark as she continued to imagine a lot of scenarios in her pretty little head.

Soon enough we were sleepy as we decided it's time for sleep as I carried her upstairs complaining about the aching in her back, and who am I to complain? I'm totally whipped and totally inlove with this girl so much to even hesitate with her wishes.

                              • • •

Groaning softly as I feel my throat dry. Opening my eyelids to see it's still dark outside from the bedroom curtains. I slowly removes Jennie's arms off me as I got off the bed and find my sleepers. I knelt under the bed but only Jennie's pink flushy sleepers are there and I'm so thirsty to find my own so I wear it and goes downstairs.

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