21. How can I tell her..

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Waking up next to the girl of your dreams should be radiant, blissful and the feeling should be on cloud nine or like walking on air or over the moon kinda feeling. Imagine the girl you've been in loved with did initiate an intimate night with you and waking up next to her? Rosé wanted to enjoy the feeling and Just be happy at the moment but the guilt just wouldn't let her. She almost vomited at the nuisance on the pit of her stomach if not for Lisa's calming scent. She's been quite awake for awhile now just being creepy watching the thai girl beside her until the latter woke up, and started to dress up.

After a moment she whispers. "I'm sorry."

Lisa had stop tying her shoe, shoulders suddenly tense up before letting out a sigh. "Please don't." she finishes her shirt before turning around, facing rosé. "I don't think if I can handle the guilt anymore if you started blaming yourself.." She looked down shamefully. "I'm really.. really sorry for putting you on this situation chaeng. You're nothing but a innocent and good friend to me and I- I take advantage of that.."

Rosé sat up, clutching the sheets on her chest on the process before shaking her head to the girl. "stop please don't say that." she continues to shake her head, lips quivering while clutching the silk sheets as if the fabric would help her lessen the broken heart. She had failed, failed to show the girl what she's truly feeling on the most intimate night they had shared. Because she can't never say those word she would ruin their friendship and Jennie's trust. She thought Lisa would maybe get a hint or realize something and.. And what? That's just all of rosé wishful thinking.

"Hey," Lisa got panic when rosé started tearing up, she quickly pulled the girl into embrace, comfortingly rubbing her back. "I'm sorry chaeng I promise I won't never do that again please I'm sorry," She started rubbing her thigh when instead of stopping, the blonde Just cry even more, arms tightly wrapped around the thai girl as she sobbed. Give the girl some slack for being clueless on what to do because she had never makes a girl cry before.

After the blonde had calm down Lisa slowly pulls away and examined her face, shakily wiping the remnants of tears and hairs that glue on her forehead. Rosé head are low sniffling quietly tryna calm her breathing as Lisa peek in her face like a lost puppy. "are you.. um okay now?"

The blonde nodded repeatedly. "I will be." She smiles up to the worried girl to ease her worry. "Go home Im fine I promise." Lisa still looked unsure and rosé had to shoo her away playfully until the girl sighed, bidding goodbye and the taller girl can only sighed shakily as she watches Lisa disappear in her doorway.

What have I done? She thought as her mind wonders to all the worse possible outcomes after the event last night. And before her mind can go further somewhere not even minutes the thai left the door swung open. Rosé froze in her spot as she felt her lips suddenly dried making it hard for her to form a sentence or explanation perhaps. All she knew she was doomed.

Jisoo stand in the door in complete and utter shock at what her eyes Just witnessed, eyes widening while she cupped her mouth unbelievably. She looks scandalize and an slightly judgement are visible in her eyes making Rosé feel low as she immediately looked down ashamed, clutching the sheets so close in her chest in the living room couch and gulps nervously.

"what happened?" Jin tried to peek inside wondering why his girlfriend suddenly had stop and look like she had just seen a ghost.

Jisoo on the other hand woke up in her trance, blinking rapidly before pushing the door closed in Jin's face. "Hey babe W-"

"I'll Just call you!" Jisoo leaned her palm into the wooden door waiting until Jin's engine sound pulled out of their apartment before slowly turned around to face her friend.

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