24. who's the farmer?

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Jennie woke up one morning a little too early for class. hand groping the sheets beside her as if looking for something and after realizing what she's doing she stop. Let's out a deep sigh and turned to the empty side of the bed with longing brimming in her eyes.

She exhaled forcefully, blinking the threatening tears away as she stared at the ceiling. “Not again.” She inhaled once more before getting up to prepare for class.

She Jog downstairs all prepared after minutes of shower and heads straight to the kitchen. Bread stuck out beside her lip as she was about to pour coffee on her mug but stop in one second, eyeing the jar of chocolate powder. “alright, it's not bad to try new things right? Right. ” she shrugs to herself and decided for a hot chocolate for her morning routine instead.

During breakfast Jennie's eyes caught the naughty Leo and Luca playing around the sofa and she couldn't help but smile at the two but it also didn't take for her mind to wonder elsewhere, no matter how she tried to focus on the two cats, all she saw is Lisa and her cuddling on the couch sharing caresses and kisses from time to time while staying late night binged watching of their favorite shows. They looked so happy and in love.

Jennie's eyes couldn't look away, biting her trembling lip so hard to prevent the sob that wanted to be escape. The piercing knife keep on stabbing her poor heart at the sight making it hard for her to breathe. And as if couldn't take it any longer, she abruptly stands up and run inside the bathroom.

Wiping forcefully the remnants of tears on her face after her little breakdown and stand up to look at herself on the mirror. “Goshh.. You look ugly and stupid.” she shakes her head disappointingly. “You're good okay? you are good, you are fine without her.” She takes a deep breath,  eyes bloodshot with swollen nose before dragging her feet outside the apartment, locking up the door she turned around shock at what greeted her.

“what are you doing here?”

Jisoo plastered a wide smile and run to hug her excitedly, deciding to ignore Jennie's swollen face for now. “we are gonna have a roadtrip to school today! right girls?” She turned to Irene and rosie who nodded just as the same enthusiasm at her.

“Yep and I'm your DD today, we're gonna use my car.” Irene winks, turning on her heels to occupied the drivers seat.

“what's going on..? Why's there a roadtrip? Did I miss something?” Jennie looked at them weirdly after they settled on Irene's car.

“Nothing, we're just not gonna let you be alone with your thoughts. You'll be stuck with us from now on.” Jisoo replied beside her with a supportive smile on her face.

“Yep, first break up are the worst.” Irene nods on the drivers seat but then yelp in pain when rosie slap her shoulder. “what?”

Jennie looked away as she leaned on her back. “girls I told you I'm fine no space for worries.”

Irene scoffed. “Who said I was worried? If ever I was pleased. Deserves you right, that's karma for pushing me on the mud when we were 14.”

Jennie arched her brows. “well that's harsh Irene bae, but thanks for reminding those moments, now Image of your angry face covered in mud sort of cheer me up.” She chuckles eliciting too from her other two friends.

“what a bitch. See guys? She's not even regretting it she's totally a demonic heartless bitch.” said Irene then press the beep harshly before poking out her head on the side window. “MOVE ON MY WAY ARSEHOLE!” she yelled to the black car blocking their way.

Jennie laughs, pointing on Irene's red face. “That! That's the look of mad Irene plus mud, totally worth it. nailed it girl.”

Jisoo cups her mouth excitedly. “really? Worth it than the view in Mudrine spain!?”

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