Powers, Abilities, Belongings, Trivia, and Quotes

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Powers and Abilities:

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Powers and Abilities:

Pixie will be an outstandingly talented witch, possibly containing the potential to be one of the most powerful because of her bloodline, which can be traced back to Voldemort himself via her father.

Wandless and nonverbal magic: Pixie will be highly skilled at non-verbal magic.

Duelling: Pixie demonstrated her exemplary abilities in martial magic on numerous occasions, showing remarkable duelling skill for her age. She has very fast reflexes when it comes to wand work.

Charms: Pixie will be exceptionally talented with charm-work.

Transfiguration: Pixie will be particularly talented in transfiguration.

Defence Against the Dark Arts: Pixie will be skilled in this subject,

Potions: Pixie will be gifted in the field of potion-making, even capable of making new potions

Herbology: Pixie will be rather skilled in this.

Healing magic: Pixie has impressive skills in and knowledge of healing magic.

Study of Ancient Runes: Pixie will be extremely gifted in translating ancient runes into English.

History of Magic: Pixie has been very interested in the history of the wizarding world from a young age. Even before starting at Hogwarts, she bought several books and learned them by heart.

Care of Magical Creatures: Pixie will be skilled in this subject.

Flying: Pixie seems to have a natural talent for flying.

Parseltongue: Pixie is a Parselmouth, a trait she inherited from her ancestor, Salazar Slytherin, the magical ability to communicate with snakes. It seems that most of her Gaunt ancestors inherited this highly unusual trait; such traits are commonly passed down through families through inbreeding, a practice employed by the Gaunt family. It is also possible that Pixie has this ability because of her grandmother on her father's side.

Spell creation: Pixie will be extremely capable of inventing her own magical spells.

Resourcefulness: Tony and Tatiana have mentioned that Pixie is very resourceful.

Asgardian Magic: Following the arrival of Loki into her magical life, Pixie will learn how to wield Asgardian magic and will eventually become an extremely skilled and formidable sorceress, to such a level that Loki is even impressed.

Illusion Manipulation: Pixie will learn how to generate extremely realistic holographic projections, sometimes with a simple flick of her wrist.

Presence Concealment: Pixie will learn to be able to render herself and others unseen and unheard to whomever she wants. Instead of letting light waves pass through herself, it is simply a trick of the mind, similar to hypnosis.

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