Chapter Thirty-Three

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Tatiana practically drags Pixie through the Stark house, Tony following behind, but rather than following them up the stairs, he turns and heads down to his workshop, he knows nothing he says to Tatiana right now is going to calm her down. So he'll let her get it out of her system before he tries to talk to her about this.


Upstairs, Tatiana points to Pixie's bedroom along the hall, Pixie watches her mother as she internally freaks out over this. Worrying about her families safety. Her daughter's safety. Pixie actually feels terrible too, seeing her mother so upset, her father so on edge. This is all new to her. Even last year, even with New York, it wasn't this bad, because that was a surprise, that just happened, this, this is building, tumbling and picking up momentum into something big.

"Pack anything you want to take with you," Tatiana tells Pixie who turns a look on her.

"Is this because Dad did a stupid thing?" Tatiana lets out a breath and then nods.

"Yes," She agrees. "Get your stuff, we're going back to London" Pixie nods and heads off to her room. She can't blame her mother for wanting to get her out of her considering Tony just basically told all of his enemies, not just the Mandarin, where he lives. It's like it's open season on him right now.


Pixie doesn't have much space left in her personal bag to fit any stuff in. She knows that she still has things at her mother, but she can get a couple more engineering and mathematics books in along with her favourite Christmas jumper. And of course, a photo of Tony and her. She sits on the floor going through her books, not to choose but just to distract herself. She can hear Tony and Tatiana downstairs, it's the first time she has ever heard them raise their voices at each other. Pixie lets out a breath and sits with her knees to her chest. It's so surreal. Hearing them arguing like this. Tatiana clearly wants to leave. To get Pixie out of the house, and she wants Tony to go with them, to protect him too. But Tony doesn't want to leave. He doesn't want to run away from his home.


Tatiana is the one packing now, shoving handfuls of Pixie's clothing into a duffel bag as Pixie gets changed. She wants to be wearing something more comfortable. She pulls a hoodie over her head and then pulls her hair back into a ponytail.


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Outside, Maya Hanson is standing at the front door, eyes flickering around, before the glass doors open in front of her. She enters the house, the doors closing behind her. Tony is standing in the foyer, dressed in one of his Iron Man suits.

"Right there's fine" Tony stops her. "You're not the Mandarin, are you?" He asks and then flips up his faceplate. "Are you?"

"You don't remember. Why am I not surprised?" She counters.

"Don't take it personally, I don't remember what I had for breakfast"

"Gluten-free waffles, sir" Jarvis informs him.

(1) Lux Brumalis (R. Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now