Chapter Four

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Tatiana walks ahead of Tony and Pixie as she leads them along the street of shops. They've been shopping a while. The sun beginning to set over the alley. Pixie is done, she just wants to go home now. All her excitement has waned. And she is not the only one.

"Just her wand left" Tatiana comments as she crosses off robes from the supply list, everything other than wand has been taken care of. "We'll get that Ollivanders" Tony groans and grumbles about hating shopping and that his feet are hurting, so it is probably a good thing that they only have one shop left. Tatiana looks at him. "Will you be staying?" She asks, Tony hums and nods.

"Yeah" He answers. "Just for tonight..." She nods.

"I think it would be best if we just left her supplies at mine" Tatiana offers. "She'll need to just haul them back anyway" Tony nods in agreement and then yawns a little. It's been a long day. And he just wants food and a drink. He'll likely say yes to anything at this point. He hates shopping.

"Pixel" Tony turns to his daughter who looks about as dead on her feet as he feels. "Just one more store, kiddo, you're doing great" She hums and looks up at him.

"My wand?" She asks, he nods. She then smiles. "Yeah" She whispers and picks up her pace, meeting her mother's strides and takes her hand. Tony looks around a little, there are whispers and pointed fingers, people still know who he is here. He's been ignoring them, mostly because this is Pixie's day and he is not about to ruin it.


Ollivander's wand store is tiny, empty except for one chair, dark too. Very little light but Pixie is just excited to be here, she doesn't care that her nose itches with dust, she doesn't care that she has to squint to see. She is finally here. Tatiana touches Pixie's shoulder and smiles softly.

"Good afternoon" The three of them turn to find Ollivander stood behind his counter.

"Ollivander" Tatiana greets, he smiles at her. 

"Lovely to see you again, Miss Snape," He tells her and then lets his eyes move to Pixie.

"Hello" Pixie offers.

"Ah yes....yes, yes" Ollivander offers and then his eyes flicker to Tony who is looking over a shelf of wand boxes. "It seems only yesterday that your mother was in here" He admits, Tony frowns and then turns to look at Ollivander, expecting him to be talking to Tatiana but he is indeed talking to Tony. "Buying her wand...."

"What?" Tony asks, Tatiana frowns to, confused as to why he would think that Tony's mother would have been in here when he has muggle parents. Ollivander's age must be starting to get to him.

"No, Ollivander" Tatiana stops him. "Tony is a muggle, his parents were muggles...."

"No, no, I remember...I remember little Maria and her brother in here like it was yesterday...I can see her in his face, he looks so much like his mother...." Ollivander argues. Tatiana stares at him, but the old man is not confused or lying, he is telling the truth.

"So.....He's a squib?" Tatiana asks, Tony looks at her.

"What's that? What's a squib?" He counters, she looks at him and lets out a breath.

"A non-magical person who is born to at least one magical parent" She explains. "Your mother was a witch, but you magic.....that makes you a squib"

"What?" Tony asks. "I don't..." He stops and thinks about his childhood, things that would happen around his mother that had no explanation. Things that would just happen. He never thought much of it as a kid. But now he knows about magic and wizards and all that stuff that comes with it. He can't help but realise. He blinks and looks at Tatiana. "My mother was a witch" He whispers sadly because she kept that from him. She kept that part of her life from him. And he missed out on all of this. And he is disappointed. And his face shows that.

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