Chapter Seven

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Tatiana has actually used magic on Tony. He's a celebrity in the muggle world, so they won't be able to make it to platform 9 ¾ without some muggle seeing them, so....out came the transfiguration spells. Pixie pushes her trolley, stacked up with her trunk and her tank, Kaa's two heads excitedly looking around. They had never seen the outside world. Their life was that pet store. Pixie follows after Tony and Tatiana as they head through King's Cross train station.

"So how are we supposed to get to a platform that doesn't exist?" Tony asks, Tatiana gives him a look.

"Magic" She answers, he snorts.

"Yeah, I know that but..." He counters and shrugs. "How?" Tatiana chuckles and shakes her head. Tony turns to look back at Pixie. "You good, Pixel?" He asks, she nods, nothing is going to bring her down today, not the weight of the trolley, or the stupid wheel that keeps squeaking and is actually getting on her last nerve. But she is way more excited about actually getting to go to Hogwarts. Tatiana then stops in front of a wall between platforms nine and ten.

Okay, just here" She tells them as she looks at the wall ahead of her.

"Miss Snape?" Tatiana turns to find Harry lingering close by with his school supplies.

"Hello, Harry" Tatiana greets. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes..." Harry then shakes his head. "The thing is...the thing is, that I don't know how..."

"How to get onto the platform?" Tatiana asks him, Harry nods. "Oh, Harry" Tatiana smiles at him. "Of course, sweetie" She motions him closer. "Did the Dursley's not come with you?" Harry shakes his head.

"No" He whispers. "They....dropped me off then left"

"No matter" She places a hand on his shoulder. "You will come with us. It's Tony and Pixie's first time as well" Harry looks at Tony and cocks his head. Tony presses a finger to his lip. Harry frowns a little. "I had to get a bit creative with the magic" Tatiana whispers to Harry. "Otherwise this would be a nightmare with paparazzi everywhere" Harry then nods and smiles at her. "Okay" Tatiana places her hands on Pixie's shoulders and nods at the wall ahead of them. "All you have to do" Tatiana informs Harry and Tony. "Is walk straight at the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Don't stop and don't be scared you'll crash into it, that's very important. Best to do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous"

"Wait, what?" Tony asks, Pixie chuckles a little. Tatiana crouches down next to her daughter.

"Want to go first?" Pixie nods and pushes the trolley round to face the wall. Tony looks between Tatiana and his daughter. Pixie starts to walk towards the barrier, Tony follows her for a few steps, a little concerned that his daughter is heading for a brick wall. Tatiana stops him with a hand on his wrist. Leaning forward, Pixie picks up her pace, Tony's eyes locked on her as she runs straight for the wall and then she slides right through the wall. Tony lets out a surprised squeak as Tatiana smiles at him. "Muggles," Tatiana tells Harry who smirks and looks down. Tony gives Tatiana a dirty look and nudges her before he smiles. He doesn't care. This is amazing to him. "Alright, Harry, your turn....."


Pixie smiles seeing the Hogwarts Express train waiting before her. It's more real now. This isn't some elaborate prank. She is really going to Hogwarts. Harry appears through the wall behind her and then finally Tatiana and Tony step through the wall, as they do, Tony's appearance changes, returning him to normal and it does cause a few heads to turn, especially from the muggles and muggle-borns on the platform. Tony runs his fingers through his hair and looks over the train.

"A steam engine?" Tony asks and then snorts. "Lame" Tatiana smacks his arm and gives him a look.

"Come on" She offers. "Before all the compartments are filled," She tells her daughter and leads her along the platform as Tony pushes the trolley now. Letting his daughter take it all in. They pass a boy who seems to be franticly searching for something.

"Gran, I've lost my toad again" He announces.

"Oh, Neville" An older woman sighs. Tony glances around as he leans on the handle of the trolley. They pass by another boy is surrounded by a small crowd.

"Give us a look, Lee" The boy then lifts the lid of a box in his arms and those around him shriek and yell as something inside pokes out a long hairy leg.

"Harry, keep up" Tatiana states over her shoulder, making sure he's there with them. "Don't want you to get lost in the crowd" She tells the boy who smiles at her in thanks. At least someone is looking out for him.

"Iron Man. It's Iron Man" A group of students whisper as they pass.

"Here will do" Tatiana offers as she sees an almost empty compartment. Tony crouches in front of Pixie who gives him a smile back

"You'll be okay," He tells her. "You're just like me..."

"A genius, playboy, billionaire, philanthropist?" She asks with a smirk, he snorts.

"Maybe one day" He offers and then leans closer to kiss her cheek. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do" He adds when he pulls back.

"There's nothing you wouldn't do" She whispers back, he chuckles and nods.

"True" He pokes her nose and smiles warmly at her. " smart, make good choices....and all that stuff..."

"I am going to miss you" She assures him. "I know that I said..."

"I know" He stops her and brushes her hair back behind her ear. "Gonna miss you too" He sets his hand in his pocket before pulling something out. "Take this" He holds out a small travel multi-tool device. "Just in case..." She takes it from him and smiles.

"Tony" Tatiana whispers a little, he nods and then stands. Tatiana takes his place and smiles at her daughter. "You're going to be great" She offers. "Just keep your head down, behave....listen to your professors" Tatiana presses a kiss to Pixie's forehead and closes her eyes. Tony lifts Pixie's trunk onto the train and then turns to Harry and waves him closer.

"I got yours, kiddo" Tony assures the boy and then lifts up the second trunk and sets it on top of Pixie's.

"Thank you," Harry tells him.

"Yeah, no worries..." Tony waves off the thanks as he then sets the owl cage onto the top of the trunks. " taking the tank in with you?"

"Yeah" Pixie answers and takes the tank from him. Kaa lifts its heads to look at Harry, to watch him a moment before they both turn to Pixie and give her a look. Tatiana pulls Pixie aside and crouches in front of her again.

"Watch out for him" Tatiana whispers to Pixie. "It's going to be tough for know...Harry Potter"

"Really?" Pixie asks deadpan. "I had no idea" Tatiana shoots her a look.

" nice to him" She counters. "He has no one and of his mother's...." She shakes her head. "I told Dumbledore that I would take him" She admits. "But he...." She shakes her head and lefts out a breath. Pixie frowns because that would make sense. Tatiana was a mother already. And very capable of looking after and protecting a small child. Yet Dumbledore chose not to. That makes no sense. Tatiana sighs and brushes her hand over Pixie's cheek. "Go on now...have fun....write. A lot. Your father is going to want to hear everything" Pixie snorts but nods in agreement.

"Keep him out of trouble" Pixie counters. "I'm not there to stop him from doing stupid stuff" Tatiana laughs and nods. The two of them share a look. Tatiana nods again. She's finally seeing her daughter off to Hogwarts. Something she has known was coming for years. But it's finally happening. She's so proud and nothing has even happened yet.

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