Chapter Nineteen

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Pixie pulls a makeshift shoulder brace over her head and across her chest before she starts attaching little projectiles to it. She tried to explain what she was doing as she was doing it but it went straight over their heads. And she had to be quick about it. Making projectiles and a little slingshot with the things she found in that closet. She loads one of the projectiles into it and pulls pocket back, aiming beyond Filch. She just needs to draw his attention away from this room. If she can get this through the open door it will send him off in that direction. She adjusts a little and then releases it. The projectile flies over Filch's head and out of the room, clattering along the floor, making noise. Harry and company hold their breath as Filch turns seeking out the source of the sound. His little cat following after him. They just need to get to the second exit of the room. That second door will take them out into the corridor and they are in the clear. Harry nods and motions for them to head to the other door, Pixie stands guard, her next shot aimed and lined up just in case. Harry waits at the door for her after the others have already passed through. Pixie hurries to catch up with them.


The five first years make their way along the corridor back towards the common rooms, there is an eeriness to the castle now. Now that the tension is raised. The risk. The threat.

"This way, my sweet?" Filch's voice is a lot closer than expected. The light from Filch's lantern lights up the corridor. Pixie and Harry share a look. Harry motions for them all to duck down out of sight. Pixie crouches behind a suit of armour, her eyes on Filch as he appears. She fires another shot, taking out a suit of armour behind him, sending it clattering to the ground. Filch spins and moves towards it. Heading away from them. They move forward, crouched, silent. Pixie fires another shot further down the corridor, leading Filch away from them. Harry motions for the others to move down the corridor that leads off from the one they are in. Once out of sight of Filch, they break out into a run, hurrying away from the trophy room and getting in trouble.


Pixie lets out a breath when they finally come to a stop. She is not cut out for running. Harry leans against a wall catching his own breath. Neville looks like he is going to throw up again. Ron is ignoring the look Hermione is giving the boys. Pixie is guessing she had an opinion about this dual.

"I think we've lost him," Harry offers as they all stop. Out of breath. Winded. Alarmed still.

"," Hermione scolds. "I told you"

"We've got to get back to Gryffindor Tower," Ron offers. "And you need to get back to the dungeons," He tells Pixie who nods in agreement. She is done. This night is far more exciting than she thought it was going to be. She was just supposed to warn Harry and Ron, not to get caught up in it all. She told her mother she would look out for Harry but she is sure she didn't mean to get into trouble herself. 

"Let's go," Harry tells them and starts to lead them away. It is a matter of steps before something else happens. A doorknob rattling followed by something spectral shooting out of a classroom, stopping in front of them. Peeves. He catches sight of them and lets out a squeal of delight.

"Shut up, Peeves" Pixie hisses at him. Peeves just laughs louder.

"Wandering around at midnight, ickle firsties? Tut, tut, tut. Naughty, naughty, you'll get caughty."

"Not if you don't give us away, Peeves, please" Harry begs of him.

"Should tell Filch, I should, it's for your own good, you know."

"Get out of the way," Ron snaps at him, taking a swipe at Peeves.

"STUDENTS OUT OF BED!" Peeves yells. "STUDENTS OUT OF BED DOWN THE CHARMS CORRIDOR!" Pixie shoots Peeves a glare and then the five of them duck under Peeves and run, right to the end of the corridor, where they slam into a door, finding it locked. They are going to get caught.

"This is it!" Ron complains as he pushes against the door. "We're done for! This is the end!" Footsteps sound behind them as they approach Peeves.

"Move over" Pixie states, moving Ron a little as she pulls out her wand from her sleeve and holds it out towards the door lock. "Alohomora!". The lock clicks and the door swings open. The five of them pile inside, closing it behind them, pressing themselves up against the door to listen. But the sound of the blood rushing past her ears is all Pixie can hear because her eyes are on something else. She squeaks a little causing Ron and Hermione to turn, they both see what she sees, and are just as frozen.

"I think we'll be okay" Harry offers. "Get off, Neville!" He then complains as Neville continues to tug on the sleeve of Harry's dressing-gown. "What?" Harry then turns around and now sees what has his friends all quiet and still. They are in the forbidden corridor on the third floor. And now they know why it is forbidden. They are looking straight into the eyes of a huge dog, it's so big it fills the entire corridor, ceiling to floor. And it has three heads. It actually has three massive heads that will have no problem eating them up.

"That is a big dog" Pixie points out, her voice wavering, showing her fear. Her hand reaches for the nearest one to her, it just so happened to be Ron's, but he clutches back to her hand too. Both of them scared. "Why does it have three heads?" The dog's six eyes stared at them as they all stood frozen with fear. "Why is it so freakin' big?!" The dog does not like that her voice has raised in volume. Harry reaches back for the doorknob just as the dog moves. He twists and it opens. The five of them falling backwards and into a heap on the floor. Harry is first back on his feet and shutting the door in the dog's face.

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