Chapter Thirteen

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By the time Pixie has dressed in the morning, she knows each of her roommates' names. They are much more vocal this morning. Much more willing to do introductions. Pansy, Millicent, Daphne, and Tracey. All of them seem fine. Pansy, Tracey, and Millicent are half-bloods like Pixie, that's how Pansy knew about Tony. Daphne is the only pureblood girl in Slytherin in their year, she is rather proud of that fact and disappointed that there aren't more. But more than willing to socialise with the half-bloods, possibly because otherwise, she would be alone. Pixie sweeps her hair back into a messy ponytail because she has no hair straighteners to do anything else with it. She slides her wand in behind the hair tye and then grabs her parchment and quill. Pixie is then one of the first out of the dorm though, she wants to have breakfast early so she can send an owl to her mother.


Pixie sits in the Great Hall, a half drank glass of apple juice next to where she is writing out her letter to her mother, everything she is angry about is going into this. Daphne sits at her side watching Pixie as she slowly munches on a piece of toast. Tracey sits across from her with a bowl of cereal. That's something that's great about Hogwarts, food. There is tons of everything. All diets. All tastes. It's all laid out for them to help themselves.

"What's she doing?" Pansy asks as she takes a seat next to Tracey and across from Pixie.

"She's angry scribbling" Tracey points out watching Pixie attack a piece of parchment with a quill.

"She can hear you" Pixie counters and looks up, giving them a look.

"What are you writing?" Daphne counters from Pixie side.

"Letter to my mother...." Pixie answers. "Voicing my thoughts regarding the fact that this place has no's 2012, not the freakin' middle ages" She then folds the parchment and slides it into an envelope. "It's bad enough I can't use my phone, but no straighteners? Or a hairdryer....?" She lets out an angry breath. The more she had gone about her morning as she usually would have, the more she realised she was screwed without technology. No hairdryer. No straighteners. No electric toothbrush. No music. She is angry. Because 'too much magic' is not a good enough excuse. She stands and grabs an apple before storming out of the Great Hall. Pansy and the other girls share an amused look.


"Hey, Pixie" Harry greets as she almost passes him in the hall, in her anger she's almost missed him. She glares at him before realising and softening. She's not angry at Harry and he's done nothing wrong, or anything worthy of her bad mood.

"Sorry" She offers. "I just..." She waves it off and shrugs. "Morning" She greets warmer.

"You okay?" He asks her, she hums and nods.

"Just...long morning"

"Yeah" He agrees. "I'm sorry you got stuck in Slytherin" He offers.

"No, it's fine" She stops him. "The girls are actually nice enough..." She glances back at the Great Hall. "Common Room could use a lick of paint though..." She adds, more to herself.

"But that Malfoy boy...."

"I can handle Malfoy," She tells him with a smirk. "He's all talk anyway" She folds her arms over her chest. "A strong breeze would knock him off his feet...." Harry laughs a little and she smiles. He then notes the letter in her hand.

"Writing home?" He asks, she nods.

"Yeah, my mom" She offers. "She never told me about the lack of technology here, so I'm...kinda mad"

"I bet" Harry comments. "It must be like being stranded on some tropical island this"

"Nothing but my wits to survive" She adds and hums. "I kind of like that" She admits. She didn't think of it. This is her cave in the middle east. This is her chance to prove that she is just like her father. This is her chance to prove herself. "Thank you" She offers. "That's what I needed someone to tell me"

"So did I just save your mother from your wrath?" He teases.

"Oh, no" She states. "She is still getting the letter" They share an amused look.

"What have you got first period?" He asks.

"Urmm Herbology" She answers. "You?"

"Transfiguration" He offers. "You think we have any classes together?"

"Probably" She answers. "I heard some of the older Slytherins complaining about being stuck with the Gryffindors for some class, I wasn't really listening, so...if not this year..." He nods. "Worried about missing me, Potter?" She asks with a smirk.

"More worried about everyone else looking really stupid around you" He teases, she chuckles and nods.

"That is a real worry" She points out. "I would be worried about that too if I wasn't sure I was going to be the smartest person here" She adds, he gives her a look.

"Really modest about it too" He states, she gives him a look and shrugs.

"My father's arrogance shining through" She teases and smirks. "Okay, I have to go and send this letter before the bell goes"

"See you around?" He asks.

"We go to the same boarding school" She answers. "So yeah" She walks backwards and gives him another look before turning and hurrying towards the owlry.


Waverley is already waiting for Pixie in the owlry when she moves towards the animal with a very strongly worded letter to her mother, she can't blame Tony too much, he wasn't aware, well, he might be now, now she isn't there to yell at them, but he wouldn't have known for years, her mother has known for years, and never told her. She had to know how much this would upset her as well. She holds out the letter and Waverly takes it in his beak before flying off. Pixie lets out a breath and leans on the railing of the owlry. She was so looking forward to this. To going to school to learn how to use her magic properly. But she didn't realise how much she would have to give up.

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